Read the article about an Irish poet and painter Decide
Last updated: 1/16/2024

Read the article about an Irish poet and painter Decide whether statements 48 53 are A true or you should also write the letter a e of the paragraph that supports your answer a Christy Brown an Irish artist and writer lived an exceptional life that left a lasting mark on society He was born with cerebral palsy a severe condition that challenged him with not being able to control his body movements As a child Brown was believed to be destined for a life of exclusion and loneliness yet his story is one of not giving up and overcoming disadvantage b He was born in 1932 in Dublin into a large working class family of 22 children The family was poor but Brown always received help and encouragement from his siblings especially from his mother and his younger sister who refused to leave him to a life of exclusion Despite originally showing no signs of body coordination at the age of five Christy found that he could control his left foot surprising everyone around him With patience and effort he learned to write and paint using only his left foot Later he also developed the skill of typing using only one toe c At the age of 22 he published his first book My Left Foot It gave a touching look into his struggles and successes but also let readers understand deeply how someone can face challenges and still rise above them Brown s honesty brought attention to the difficulties that people with disabilities Tu go through and started conversations about including and understanding them d Brown s creativity knew no limits showing that artistic brilliance can come from unexpected places He became a well known artist and continued writing publishing novels and collections of stories and poetry His works not only showed his personal experiences but also gave a general message of not giving up inspiring people all around the world He was also skilled in playing various musical instruments e In 1972 he married Mary Carr They had two children together and their relationship was depicted in the 1989 film My Left Foot Christy Brown passed away from pneumonia in 1981 at the age of 49 His life and work helped increase public knowledge about the challenges faced by people with disabilities and keep inspiring 48 49 50 51 Daniel Day Lewis as Christy Brown in the 1989 film adaptation of My Left Foot 53 people dealing with hard times showing that with courage and creativity we all can go beyond what we often think are impossible challenges Later in life Brown became the father of two A true 8 false Which paragraph a e supports your answer Brown mastered several music instruments A true B false Which paragraph a e supports your answer His work focused on his experiences as a physically disadvantaged artist A true B false Which paragraph a e supports your answer Brown discovered his physical abilities thanks to his younger sister A true B false Which paragraph a e supports your answer 52 In his first title Brown openly shared his life with a disability with the public A true B false Which paragraph a e supports your answer As a baby Brown was challenged with not being able to moun at all