Read the excerpt on Young Italy then answer the following
Last updated: 2/18/2023

Read the excerpt on Young Italy then answer the following question Young Italy was founded by Giuseppe Mazzini as a secret society to work for Italian unification His goal was to spread the message of democratic nationalism among the Italian people To do so he believed that they needed education in what liberal democracy was and aid in developing a sense of nationalism Young Italy successfully spread Mazzini s message throughout all of Italy and was instrumental as a basis for the unification of Italy in the next generation Although Young Italy had thousands of members and branches in all parts of Italy they were loosely organized Communications between the individual members and between branches was informal and subject to frequent breakdowns because of police harassment and the hardships of travel Even Mazzini was not known nationally although police files in the various states began to mention him more frequently The loose organization was advantageous however when police attempted to repress the organizations The local nature also allowed Young Italy leaders to appeal to local concerns to gain followers without being restricted by national doctrines Even so police repression caused a splintering of Young Italy during the 1830s Mazzini was able to rebuild his organization during the 1840s however Members of Young Italy and similar secret societies came from all classes but often tended to be well educated They were encouraged to belong to other groups in order to direct them toward the goals of Young Italy and were often recruited from students at universities and lyceums Membership was restricted to those under 40 years old Members were sworn to secrecy The Young Italy organization was founded by the ardent nationalist and political theorist O Camillo Benso di Cavour