s the end of the semester and you have completed all but 3
Last updated: 8/27/2023

s the end of the semester and you have completed all but 3 Keeping Score exercises for a total of 180 points You ave not taken advantage of the extra credit opportunities assume that there were 200 points of extra credit available our performance on the three midterm exams has earned you a total of 1 200 points you basically earned a low B on ach midterm You did not complete the syllabus exam for zero points and did not participate in SONA Nor did you complete the on line practice exams from the text opting instead to buy a used book for which no website access was available Thus you currently have a total of 1 380 points of the available 2 490 points You are wondering what your grade would have been had you completed the on line practice exams and earned all 480 points that were possible completed the SONA surveys 200 points and took advantage of all the available extra credit 200 points Now what vill be your percentage grade in the class Compute your answer to the nearest 1 10 percent Do not include the sign in your answer For example if your answer is 50 34 you would write 50 3 if your answer is 50 35 you would enter 50 4