sa graded discussion 10 points possible ek 5 Discussion Post
Last updated: 2/18/2024

sa graded discussion 10 points possible ek 5 Discussion Post A due Feb 25 at 6pm cussion Board Posts 25 total a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum ponses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In se posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the dings This can include citing specific photographs and photographers eoretical connections between different readings ideas themes and or the thor s own argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts full details Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not During the rural and local events had the greatest impact on people s lives As Western soci ety became more industrialized and urbanized in the mid to late nineteenth cen tury events outside of the immediate surroundings began to have a pronounced influence on daily existence Improvements in communications and transporta tion narrowed distances between peoples and reduced isolation People were cu rious and wanted more information about the world outside their own communi ties As seeing was equated with knowing the more people saw the more they could feel that they possessed knowledge of the world The photograph was uniquely positioned to fulfill this wish and entrepreneurs took the opportunity to try and make a profit The photograph faced technical ob stacles the process could not stop action and there was no cost effective way to immediately distribute news photographs to large audiences And of course a photographer had to be on the scene to capture the event However the premise of the photograph as a container of information and a carrier of cultural values was quickly established and accepted by society at large