Scenario 1 Falling and Falling The value of some cell phones
Last updated: 1/19/2024

Scenario 1 Falling and Falling The value of some cell phones changes exponentially after initial release Here are gr the depreciation of two phones 1 2 and 3 years after they were released Analyze each graph and explain your answer in the boxes below Phone A value dollars 1 000 800 600 400 200 Analyzing and 2 0 1000 1 600 2 2 360 3 216 4 time years A Which phone is more expensive to buy when it is first released 6 Phone A was more espensive than phone B when it was first released D Which one is falling in value more quickly Explain or show how you know Phone A because the last point to less than the last point for phone B G If the phones continue to depreciate by the same factor each year what will the value of each phone be 4 years after its initial release 8 Phone B value dollars 1 000 800 600 0 840 O 1 630 2 472 5 O B What does the point 2 360 of Phone A represent in this situation Describe the point in the form of function notation After 2 years the priced decreased E Describe the domain of each function What does the domain mean in this situation What are the restrictions of the domain that arise from the context H Complete the phrase As each year x increases the value of f x decreases Explain or show how you know 3 354 38 4 time years 6 8 C How does the value of each phone change with every passing year It decays with each year passing F Describe the range of each function What does the range mean in context of the situation What are the restrictions of the range that arise from the context 1 For each cell phone write an equation that relates the value of the phone in dollars to the years since release t Use v for the value of Phone A and w for the value of Phone B