Snare the following vignette with students Ask stu dents to
Last updated: 3/22/2023

Snare the following vignette with students Ask stu dents to record and total the 1 O for Mr Lopez dur ing the 12 hour shift Use the sample I O record on page 436 Allow 10 minutes for this exercise Mr Lopez is a resident at Happy Days Nursing Center He is 78 years of age and weighs 155 pounds He shares room 3201 with Mr Balason You are assisting with his care today You offer Mr Lopez the urinal when you start your shift at 0700 He voids 30 ml of amber colored urine After giving oral care Mr Lopez drinks 4 ounces of water At breakfast Mr Lopez eats 50 of his eggs a muffin and a banana he drinks a 6 ounce cup of coffee and one half of the 4 ounce container of apple juice At 1000 Mr Lopez uses the commode to move his bowels he voids 200 cc At 1030 Mr Lopez is assisted with taking a show er The nurse gives Mr Lopez his medications with 120 cc of apple juice at 1145 At 1200 Mr Lopez turns on his signal light When you respond Mr Lopez the emesis basin with 250 cc of liquid yel low emesis in it Mr Lopez asks for a can of soda pop to settle his stomach He drinks 4 ounces He refuses his lunch tray He voids 100 cc at 1300 He drinks 100 cc of clear broth at 1530 At 1730 Mr Lopez eats a hands you dear liquid diet of 240 cc of broth drinks 6 ounces of tea and eats one half of a 4 ounce serving of gelatin