Solution The minimum processing time among all the jobs in
Last updated: 10/9/2023

Solution The minimum processing time among all the jobs in the 2 machines M and M is 2 which is marked in under lined bold face which correspond to the job J2 on machine M Thus the job J2 is placed sequenced in the first position in the sequence J2 We are now left with 4 jobs and their processing times are given below Machines M M Jobs J J3 J4 Js J2 Jobs J3 10 J4 Js 18 34 6 20 Among jobs the those four minimum processing time between the two machines is 4 which corresponds to the job J1 on machine M Hence the job J is placed in the last position in the sequence shown below The remaining 3 jobs and their processing times are given below Machines M M 18 J 6 20 14 16 6 J 14 16 6 The minimum processing time among these jobs is 6 which corresponds to the job J4 on machine M and job Js on machine M Hence J4 is placed in the first available position in the sequence as shown below Jz J4 J5 Finally the job J3 is placed as shown below J J4 J3 J5 J Thus J2J4J3 J5 J is the optimal sequence of the five jobs on the