sonal taxes Salary Dividend Income Interest Income LT Stock
Last updated: 6/13/2023

sonal taxes Salary Dividend Income Interest Income LT Stock Sale LT Stock Cost ST Stock Sale ST Stock Cost Personal Exemption Itemized Deductions Apllicable Tax Rate on Dividends LT Capital Gains a Calculation of Federal Tax Liability Calculation of Taxable Income Salary Interest Income ST Capital Gains Income before Exemption and Deductions Personal Exemption Itemized Deductions Taxable Income before Dividends LT Capital Gains Taxes on Taxable Income Before Dividends LT Capital Gains Tax Liability on Base of Bracket Tax Liability on Excess over Base Tax on Taxable Income before Dividends LT Capital Gains Taxes on Dividends LT Capital Gains Dividend Income LT Capital Gains Income Total Dividend LT Capital Gains Income Tax on Dividends LT Capital Gains Income Total Federal Tax Liability Colculation of Marginal Tax Rate B 77 000 00 17 500 00 3 700 00 22 500 00 6 500 00 9 000 00 5 300 00 4 000 00 7 500 00 15 00 77 000 00 3 700 00 19 700 00 100 400 00 4 000 00 7 500 00 88 900 00 0 28 C D Tax Table for Single Individuals Taxable Income Formulas N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A N A E Percentage on Excess over Base 10 00 0 00 9 225 00 37 450 00 5 156 25 0 00 922 50 15 00 25 00 90 750 00 18 481 25 28 00 189 750 00 46 075 25 33 00 411 500 00 119 401 25 35 00 413 200 00 119 996 25 39 60 Amount Paid on Base ESS G Give Fe