Sonia Ramos a medical assistant working with Sylvia Thompson
Last updated: 12/12/2022

Sonia Ramos a medical assistant working with Sylvia Thompson MD an otorhinolaryngologist at Fulwood Medical Center You are communicating with Mr Ernesto Santiago a 44 year old man who was referred to Dr Thompson Mr Santiago complains of recurrent attacks of nausea vomiting a sense of spinning or whirling and ringing in his ears The attacks last about 24 hours and are getting more frequent He has been having trouble hearing quiet speech on his left side Your role is to document his examination diagnosis and care and to act as translator between Mr Santiago and Dr Thompson The recurrent attacks that Mr Santiago suffered are called M ni re disease The disease involves the destruction of inner ear hair cells but the etiology is unknown and there is no cure Dr Thompson prescribed medication to control Mr Santiago s nausea and vomiting nsert medical terms to answer each question or complete the statement 1 Which medical term is used in documentation for Mr Santiago s ringing in his ears 2 Which medical term is used in documentation for Mr Santiago s spinning or whirling 5 Because the attacks come and go they can be described as being Will the medication correct the disorders of the inner ear yes or no