Statistic PROJECT Your final for this semester will be a
Last updated: 5/24/2023

Statistic PROJECT Your final for this semester will be a project You are welcome to work by yourself of a group of up to 3 total people The project will be graded on this written report done individually and a poster slide presentation done with your group members The report will be worth 100 points and the poster slide presentation worth 100 points You will be a given a grading rubric for both parts Here are the steps to follow Please be sure to complete at least 4 steps a day Some steps will take longer so be sure to pace yourself to get the project finished PROJECT DUE 5 25 23 Step 1 Organize your group You may have up to 3 people total in your group You and 2 others Group members you Lestif Step 2 Decide what information you want to gather You must have 2 types of data one that involves numbers and another that involves word Think about the soda survey it had a question about favorite soda and how many sodas do you drink in a day Step 3 Determine how you will gather your data Will you research a b will you collect your own like we did in the parking lot c will you do a google form like the soda survey if you are doing a google form Send your questions to Mrs Dubash by Step 4 Gather organize your data If you collected it via the form you will want to copy only the data that was yours Step 5 Complete Mean Median Mode and Range of the numerical data Mean Median Mode Range Step 6 Is it best to use mean median or mode for your data explain Were there any outliers