Step 1 In your initial post respond to the following prompt
Last updated: 9/20/2023

Step 1 In your initial post respond to the following prompt Consider or imagine a time someone in your circle of friends and relatives posted a remark on social media or said something to you in person that you felt was culturally insensitive Alternately consider a time when a celebrity you admire said something you felt was culturally insensitive If Assuming you choose to address this how should you communicate with this person about what they said or posted What are the advantages and disadvantages of addressing this the way you choose to Is it possible for the original communication from the other person to be undone Also why is it important to be culturally aware and sensitive Even though you are recounting a personal experience you will want to tie that back to the material you have read in Chapter 1 Step 2 Read other students posts and respond to at least two other students Incorporate personal experience if appropriate to help support or debate other students posts If differences of opinion occur debate the issues and provide examples to support opinions The use of outside resources your textbook or other academic source is required Be sure to cite any outside sources in current APA format Due Date Online Class Initial posts must be submitted by due date Subsequent replies are due by the end of the week see Course Policies and Procedures or your Instructor for details Ground Class All post must be submitted by the due date