Suppose that out of 262 professional 119 of them owned a
Last updated: 9/13/2023

Suppose that out of 262 professional 119 of them owned a convertible 105 of them owned a giant screen TV 123 owned a sporting goods store 26 owned a convertible and a store 35 owned a TV and a store 64 owned a convertible and a TV 7 owned all three items Hint To answer the following questions draw and label a Venn diagram that numerically represents th information above 1 How many athletes did not own any of the three items 33 2 How many owned a convertible and a TV but not a store 57 3 How many athletes owned a convertible or a TV 160 4 How many athletes owned exactly one type of item in the survey 98 5 How many athletes owned at least one type of item in the survey 229 6 How many owned a TV or a store but not a convertible 74 X X