Table 4 2 Monthly Average Radiation Data for Deadhorse
Last updated: 2/13/2023

Table 4 2 Monthly Average Radiation Data for Deadhorse Alaska 70 N Data in W m Month March June September December Incoming Radiation 133 488 181 0 Outgoing Shortwave Radiation 84 332 84 0 Outgoing Longwave Net Radiation Radiation 147 204 147 154 98 In order to calculate net radiation for Deadhorse in March subtract outgoing longwave radiation and outgoing shortwave radiation from incoming radiation 133 84 147 98 Negative net radiation indicates an energy deficit This means that more energy is lost to space than is received from insolation 6 Following the example for March provided above complete the net radiation column in Table 4 2 7 Apply What You Learned Why does Deadhorse have no incoming radiation in December 8 Use Your Critical Thinking Skills Why does Deadhorse have an energy deficit in June even though insolation is relatively high during this month Table 4 3 provides all of the data needed to calculate net radiation at the top of the atmosphere for Beijing China