The balance sheet provides a snapshot of the financial
Last updated: 6/10/2023

The balance sheet provides a snapshot of the financial condition of a company Investors and analysts use the information given on the bal and other financial statements to make several interpretations regarding the company s financial condition and performance Green Caterpillar Garden Supplies Inc is a hypothetical company Suppose it has the following balance sheet items reported at the end of it of operation For the second year some parts are still incomplete Use the information given to complete the balance sheet Green Caterpillar Garden Supplies Inc Balance Sheet for Year Ending December 31 Millions of Dollars Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Assets Current assets Cash and equivalents Accounts receivable Inventories Total current assets Net fixed assets Net plant and equipment Total assets 2 953 8 662 19 687 43 750 6 457 2 363 6 930 15 750 Liabilities and equity Current liabilities Accounts payable Accruals Notes payable Total current liabilities Long term debt 19 250 Total debt Common equity Common stock Retained earnings Total common equity 35 000 Total liabilities and equity 0 410 2 324 8 203 10 937 21 328 32 813 43 750 0 0 2 187 2 187 6 563 8 750 17 063 9 187 26 250 35 000