The dependent variable is the percentages of the usage of
Last updated: 9/20/2023

The dependent variable is the percentages of the usage of computers X 1992 2 2016 y 20 7 42 63 1 67 1 75 2 76 7 78 9 83 8 85 1 86 8 89 3 Defining the linear regression function and creating x incremented by 1 for more data poin x1 1992 1 2016 p1 polyfit x y 1 y1 polyval p1 x1 Defining the polynomial p2 polyfit x y 2 Evaluating p2 to create y values for plotting yPoly polyval p2 x1 Ploting the original data plot x y o Titles and adds legends to the plot graph title Share Of US Housholds Using Specific Technologies Computers xlabel Years Between 1996 and 2016 ylabel Percent of Americans Who Are Using Computers hold on Ploting the linear regression data plot x1 y1 Ploting the polyfit data plot x1 yPoly