The following table has 3 columns and 4 rows Based on table
Last updated: 6/13/2023

The following table has 3 columns and 4 rows Based on table there are THREE questions Each question has FOUR options A B C and D ONLY ONE of these four options is correct Column I shows four situations with a small ball of mass m connected to an ideal string of length I and fastened to a point O whose acceleration if any is shown in the diagram Column 11 lists the minimum value of speed u with respect to point of suspension when the string is vertical in order for the mass to complete the circular motion in vertical plane Column ill lists the maximum tension throughout the circular motion corresponding to minimum speed Column 1 Column 3 1 III TV 19 3 O O O L l l 45 93 3 u 2g U 1 Column 2 3g 1 2ge 3 1 iv iii 5g 20g 3 Pick the correct combination from given options A 0 0 P B II iv R P 6 mg Q 4 3 mg R 7 mg S 8 mg ASSERTION REASONINE This question contains sta B C and D out of whi 1 2 STATEMENT 1 Work done by the because STATEMENT 2 Displacement of A Statement 1 statement 1 B Statement 1 statement 1 C Statement 1 D Statement STATEMENT A spring has pe because STATEMENT In compressing A Statemen statement B Statemen statement C Statemen D Statemen