The magnetite is a mixed oxide of inon It consists of Feo
Last updated: 6/28/2023

The magnetite is a mixed oxide of inon It consists of Feo and Fe 03 Assume that given sample was lying in contact with oxidising agent it contains more Fie 03 than Feo Given sample of magnetite on reaction with carbon monoxide forom iron metal and co If 39 2g of given sample of magnetite on reaction with sufficient carbon monoxide produces 15 68 L of CO gas at S T P Then 3 9 2g of given sample That is given in paragraph is completely oxidised into Fe by KMNO4 and K G 07 in different experiment x ml of 0 1 M KMNO4 Cin acidic medium is required for Complete oxidation of given sample while y ml of 0 1 M K C 07 is required for Complete oxidation Cin acidic medium select the incorrect statement a x 200 b y 166 67 771