The number N of locations of a popular coffeehouse chain is
Last updated: 10/4/2023

The number N of locations of a popular coffeehouse chain is given in the table The numbers of locations as of October 1 are given Year 2004 2005 2006 N 2007 2008 8571 10245 12625 15015 16682 a Find the average rate of growth between each pair of years locations year 2004 to 2006 2006 to 2007 2005 to 2007 locations year locations year b Estimate the instantaneous rate of growth in 2006 by taking the average of the last two rates of change in part a locations year c Estimate the instantaneous rate of growth in 2006 by measuring the slope of the secant line through 2005 10245 and 2007 15015 locations year d Estimate the instantaneous rate of growth in 2007 by measuring the slope of the secant line through 2006 12625 and 2008 16682 locations year Compare the growth rates you obtained in part c and d What can you conclude O The rate of growth is decreasing O There is not enough information O The rate of growth is constant