The Ski Jump Problem: Now for the penultimate problem. You
Last updated: 7/29/2022

The Ski Jump Problem: Now for the penultimate problem. You have been hired to design a ski jump. You will determine a polynomial of the smallest degree with the following conditions. The ski jump starts at a height of 33.5 m and finishes at a height of 3.2 m. From start to finish, the ski jump covers a horizontal distance of 40 m. A skier at the top of the jump will start off horizontally and will take off at the end at an angle of 30 degrees from the horizontal. Find and plot the polynomial whose graph is a side view of the ski jump. Be careful, points are not all known, but you do know slope information, recall your calculus and basic triangle trigonometry. Determine the coefficients of the polynomial, write out the polynomial and plot the polynomial in Matlab over the domain [0, 40]. Provide the polynomial, explicitly written out, and a copy of your ski jump plot with the original data indicated on the plot (as was done in the example)