The stronger the impulse grew to bring herself near him the
Last updated: 9/19/2023

The stronger the impulse grew to bring herself near him the further in fact did she draw away from him As soon as she could do so without an appearance of too great rudeness she rose and left him there alone Before she reached the house Gouvernail had lighted a fresh cigar and ended his apostrophe to the night Mrs Baroda was greatly tempted that night to tell her husband who was also her friend of this folly that had seized her But she did not yield to the temptation Beside being a respectable woman she was a very sensible one and she knew there are some battles in life which a human being must fight alone When Gaston arose in the morning his wife had already departed She had taken an early train to the city She did not return till Gouvernail was from under her roof There was some talk of having him back during the summer that followed That is Gaston greatly desired it but his desire yielded to his wife s strenuous opposition However before the year ended she proposed wholly from herself to have Gouvernail visit them again Her husband was surprised and delighted with the suggestion coming from her Oh she told him laughingly after pressing a long tender kiss upon his lips I have overcome everything You will see This time I shall be very nice to him How is the conflict resolved O Gouvernail is not to visit Gaston any more O Mrs Baroda stays at her aunt s place O Mrs Baroda decides to follow her heart All of the choices