
there have been nine justices at any one time on the Supreme

Last updated: 2/9/2023

there have been nine justices at any one time on the Supreme

there have been nine justices at any one time on the Supreme Court of the United States one chief justice and eight associate justices Prior to that time the number of justices varied from six to ten From the court s inception in 1789 to the present day 17 men have served as chief justice of the Supreme Court including Justice Roberts The previous 16 chief justices are listed in the table below along with the length of their tenure in days This data was retrieved from the Web site of the Supreme Court www supremecourtus gov chief justice John Jay John Rutledge Oliver Ellsworth John Marshall Roger B Taney Salmon P Chase Morrison R Waite Melville W Fuller Edward D White William Howard Taft Charles E Hughes Harlan F Stone Frederick M Vinson Earl Warren Warren E Burger William H Rehnquist a Make and label a histogram and boxplot for this data using GeoGebra Insert your histogram and boxplot in the add work box and type your titles and labels above and below the graphs Use the Export button in GeoGebra and the Insert Image button in the Add work box b median tenure 2079 125 1742 12542 10425 3065 5133 7938 3804 3129 4144 1754 2633 5740 Use GeoGebra to compute each of the following summary statistics rounding to one decimal place if needed c IQR d mean 6304 6917 days days days e sample standard deviation days f Write a paragraph describing the shape center spread and unusual featuers of the data Be sure to include all 4 items with context and units in your paragraph You can type it in the box or write it on your paper