There is a metallic ring of radius 1 m having negligible
Last updated: 6/11/2023

There is a metallic ring of radius 1 m having negligible resistance placed perpendicular to a constant magnetic field of magnitude 1 T as shown in figure One end of a resistanceless rod is hinged at the centre of ring O and other end is placed on the ring Now the rod is rotated with constant angular velocity w 4 rad s and circuit is connected as shown in the figure initially switch is open and capacitor is uncharged If switch S is closed at t 0 then the heat loss in J in the resistor R from t 0 to the instant when voltage across the capacitor becomes half of the steady state voltage ignore friction is ang gadu 1 m Aru y s faz i zef xgar 1 1 9kay aud zu Glazi c Au du 6 0 42 hafa au gun A day 42 2 14 21 3 03 h Aua clufu acc Aud u w 4 rad sou a r send uzmz uta ku ja M Ma a ka i u Gal a t 0 34 G4 z acca zu c ufa ug R 7 71 adu ch aqug R 102 wwwww R 20 2 C 3 F