This map shows two different migration routes for one
Last updated: 5/15/2023

This map shows two different migration routes for one species of birds the central European blackcap winter A SPAIN B D BRITAIN winter What is the MOST LIKELY explanation for the observed differences in migration patterns and what would be a long term result GERMANY summer Blackcaps that had a gene which cause them to move North instead of South survived and were able to return to breed in the summer This could eventually lead to a new species of blackcaps The change in migration pattern is a sign that the blackcap species is evolving and spreading Soon there may be groups of blackcaps that overwinter in other countries as well Increasing air traffic in Europe disrupted the migration patterns of some blackcaps Over time more blackcaps may fall victim to this and the species may go extinct The 10 of blackcaps that fly North have a mutation and are not fit for survival This is a natural process and part of evolution