This section contains 3 questions Each question contains
Last updated: 6/5/2023

This section contains 3 questions Each question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched The statements in Column I are labelled A B C and D while the statements in Column II are labelled p q r s and t Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with One OR More statement s in Column II 1 Two trains each of length 100 m are moving with speeds 54 km h for Train 1 and 90 km h for Train 2 on two parallel tracks Match the entries given in column I with the entries given in column II Column I Column II A Time taken in passing each other in s B Distance travelled by 1st train during passing in m C Distance travelled by 2nd train during passing in m if both trains are moving in same direction D Displacement of 1st train w r t 2nd train in 2 s in m 125 500 p q r 20 s 300 t 5