Thomas Andrews plotted the P V curve for CO2 He plotted the
Last updated: 6/30/2023

Thomas Andrews plotted the P V curve for CO2 He plotted the isotherms of CO at various temperatures Later on it was found that real gases behave in the same manner as CO2 Andrews noticed that at high temp isotherms look like that of an ideal gas and cannot be liquified even at very high pressure As temp is lowered shape of curve changes from ideal behaviour 1 Sol 2 Sol P 70 C 50 C 30 C 20 C 13 C V The critical temp of gases A B C and D are 126 K 154 3 K 304 15 K 405 K respectively which gas shown greater deviation from ideal behaviour with increase in pressure A A C C B B D D D The compressibility factor of a van der Waal s gas at its critical point is A 1 B 0 375 C 2 67 D 0 48 B