Time Taken 0 01 16 Neftali Moreno Miranda Attempt 4 Question
Last updated: 5/3/2023

Time Taken 0 01 16 Neftali Moreno Miranda Attempt 4 Question 4 25 points The table at the right shows the Task Start times and tasks that must be A Set up meetings with at least 4 vendors publishers to compare completed to create a school s yearbook Which EST graph below correctly represents the information in the table costs B Train students to use cameras for yearbook photos C Administrators meet to select a Vendor Publisher D Vendor take individual student faculty photos E Students take photos of clubs and random shots F Teach student how to u Publisher Software G Get photos from company and from student photographers H Compose entire layout in Publisher software 1 Send to Company layout to company J Receive Yearbooks Finish Time days 0 14 25 10 10 30 35 20 30 5 50 Prerequisite None None None A C B E D E F G H