Understand the Nature of Science Understand that science
Last updated: 2/7/2023

Understand the Nature of Science Understand that science investigations use a variety of methods and do not always use the same of procedures understand that there is not just one scientific method Science findings are based upon evidence Long ago many people believed that living things could come from nonliving things They thought that worms came from wood and that maggots came from decaying meat This idea was called spontaneous generation In 1668 an Italian biologist Francesco Redi did experiments to prove that maggots did not come from meat One of his experiments is shown below Group I Introduction to the Scientific Method Worksheet Group II Redi placed pieces of meat in several jars He divided the jars into two groups He covered the first group of jars with fine cloth He left the second group of jars uncovered Redi observed the jars for several days He saw flies on the cloth of the covered jars and he saw flies laying eggs on the meat in the uncovered jars Maggots appeared only on the meat in the group of jars left uncovered Questions 1 Which is not a step in the scientific method a Problem or question b Research c Ask other people for their opinion d Arrive at a conclusion 2 What was the problem in Redi s experiment a How do maggots appear in meats b How do worms appear in wood c Is spontaneous generation a valid explanation for maggots in meats d All of the above are examples of problems