Use INDEX and MATCH functions to fill in a table that
Last updated: 7/3/2023

Use INDEX and MATCH functions to fill in a table that extracts the amounts shipped between each pair of cities in the accompanying data which shows the solution to an optimization model that finds the minimum cost and amounts shipped from two plants to four distribution centers Your table should be set up as follows and the formulas for the Amount Shipped column should reference the names in the From and To columns Click the icon to view the data and model 8 Minneapolis Chicago 9 Minneapolis Phoenix Marietta Marietta Marietta To Cleveland Baltimore Chicago Phoenix Minneapolis Cleveland Minneapolis Baltimore Minneapolis Chicago Minneapolis Phoenix Replace the functions with the amounts shipped between each pair of cities From Marietta Amount Shipped 0 IZB 0 From 0 Marietta Marietta Marietta Marietta To Cleveland Baltimore Chicago Phoenix Minneapolis Cleveland Minneapolis Baltimore Minneapolis Minneapolis FINDEX Model MATCH H8 Plant U MAI CH 18 Center U INDEX Model MATCH H9 Plant 0 MATCH 19 Center 0 Chicago Phoenix Amount Shipped 2 3 Plant 4 Marietta 5 Minneapolis 6 Demand 7 8 Model 9 10 Plant 11 Marietta 12 Minneapolis 13 Demand 14 15 16 Total 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Distribution Center Cleveland 13 24 9 71 200 Distribution Center Cleveland Cost 27 509 0 200 200 Baltimore Chicago 11 63 14 66 8 08 16 38 250 500 250 0 250 Phoenix 17 84 17 95 0 500 500 1000 Phoenix Baltimore Chicago Capacity 800 200 1000 1050 900 Total Shipped 1050 900