Use the following figure and information to answer the
Last updated: 5/17/2023

Use the following figure and information to answer the question Adipose fin Icharacteristic of trout Not Cut edge of operculum Gills Kidney Spinal cond Heart O its operculum Uver its lateral line system Swim O its caudal tail fin its anal fin Stomach Intestine Gonad Dorsal fin Pelvic fin Arus Urinary bladder Fishes that have swim bladders can regulate their density and thus their buoyancy There are two types of swim bladder physostomous and physoclistous The ancestral version is the physostomous version in which the swim bladder is connected to the esophagus via a short tube see the figure The fish fills t version by swimming to the surface taking gulps of air and directing them into the swim bladder Air is removed from this version by belching The physoclistous version is more derived and has lost its connection to the esophagus Instead gas enters and leaves the swim bladder via special circulatory mechanisms within the wall of the swim bladder Anal fin If a ray finned fish is to both hover remain stationary in the water column and ventilate its gills effectively then what other structure besides its swim blac will it use Coufal