Using a random sample with 100 observations, the regression
Last updated: 8/7/2022

Using a random sample with 100 observations, the regression of Y on X and W yields an R-squared of 3%. Then the homoscedasticity-only F-statistic testing the joint significance of X and W's coefficients is given by ______with a p-value ________________than 5% (use "greater" or "smaller"). This suggests that the coefficients of X and W are jointly_____________ at 5% level. (use "significant" or "insignificant"). Treat the sample size as large when answering the questions. Critical values for chi-squared(q)/q: when q = 1; 3.84 (5 % level), 6.63 (1% level): when q = 2: 3.00 ( 5 % level), 4.61 ( 1% level): when q = 3; 2.60 (5% level), 3.78 (1% level).