We know when current i is passed through a thin circular
Last updated: 6/24/2023

We know when current i is passed through a thin circular coil the magnetic induction o n the axis of the coil at a distance x from th Moir 2 r x 3 2 e center is B Now magnetic induction at centre of coil m eans x becomes zero and B Hoi 2r QUESTION Now our college sir gave that to know the magnetic field on the circular coil x will be equal to r and field on the surface i Hoi Is it correct I am thinking we s 25 2r hould not do like that because x is the lengt h along the axis how can we take x r dista nce from centre to any point on the coil will be r But how can we take x r Can yo u please explain weather it is correct or wro ng And also i am thinking field on the coil must be zero according to oersted s experi s B