which consists of 2 bedrooms BR and 1 living room LR Shown
Last updated: 2/23/2023

which consists of 2 bedrooms BR and 1 living room LR Shown below are the rectangular floor plan left figure and a side view of the cabin right figure In the side view the roof forms an isosceles triangle AABC the walls are perpendicular to the level floor ED AC ED F is the midpoint of AC and BF LAC 24 36 L S 360 O 171 LR A 171 B 324 C 360 D 396 E 720 324 BR 396 O 720 S BR walkway 30 S closet 30 A 1 5 E B During the week the Smiths plan to roof the cabin there is a 20 chance of rain each day 30 F 30 35 Mr Smith plans to build a 3 foot wide walkway around the outside of the cabin as shown in the floor plan What will be the area in square feet of the top surface of the walkway 24 C 1 5 D