with horizontal and strike at the same point in the
Last updated: 6/2/2023

with horizontal and strike at the same point in the horizontal plane through a point of projection If t and t are their time of flights 67 Then 1 3 17 27 1 2 t 1 3 tan tan a a 1 sin sin a a 66 If v and v be the velocities at the end of focal chord of projectile path and u is the velocity at the vertex of the path then 1 v v u 1 1 1 1 v v 2 4 u V V If a stone is to hit at a point which is at a distance d ways and at a height h see fig above the point from where the stone starts then what is the value of initial speed u if the stone is launched at an angle e d V V u 2 g sin a a sin sin 4 sin 2 verstand 1 2