Clade Chlorophyta Green Algae Green algae are distinct from
Last updated: 2/12/2023

Clade Chlorophyta Green Algae Green algae are distinct from red algae in that they contain both chlorophyll a and b which are also present in plants Green algae are generally found in most fresh water environs They include unicellular motile and non motile as well as colonial and filamentous forms Some members form symbiotic relationships in lichens and are thought to be the ancestors of green plants due to similar biochemistry Examples of Chlorophyta include Ulva Spirogyra Chlamydomonas Chara and Volvox Examine the prepared slides as well as fresh cultures if available of the above green algae Draw and label where applicable Describe the appearance of the organism in relation to other organisms or cells e g unicellular multicellular filamentous aggregates a Ulva Commonly known as sea lettuce Ulva grows attached to a substrate e g rocks or other seaweeds via a holdfast This alga is found worldwide and is often used in culinary because of its nutritional value 38 One study showed that the levels of essential minerals in Ulva lactuca surpass that found in many of the leafy greens that are often recommended e g spinach kale etc for these vital nutrients 39 Ulva lactuca is flat and has irregular borders similar to lettuce and is generally has two layers of cells View the preserved samples or the prepared slides of Ulva