deas 6 messed up a couple of times in front of the class It
Last updated: 9/18/2023

deas 6 messed up a couple of times in front of the class It turns out that the next day we managed to find out who won the election and it was my other friend who won the election She wasn t my friend at the time since it was the beginning of 6th grade When I found out she won I tried acting happy for her but at the same time I was jealous But now that I look back at it when she and I started talking more we became good friends I started to stop getting jealous of her getting the set And I would start to help her get elected for a position called secretary and I would help color in her poster and give feedback She ended up doing a good job Sometimes she looks back at the situation and says she doesn t know about it to this day but it was a tiny incident And because both of us tried to run for student council we became really good friends over time Exemplary The narrative tructure 6 13 19 25 skillfully describes an incident and a choice made and thoroughly reflects on the lesson learned shows clear evidence of skillful revision to improve meaning clarity and adherence to the narrative style includes thoughtful reflection with explanations for changes Comments 13 19 Exemplary The narrative Exemplary The narrative 25 Files 1 has an engaging beginning that hooks the reader and reveals all aspects of the incident has a middle that vividly describes the series of events leading to the incident as well as the narrator s feelings thoughts and actions has a reflective ending that examines the consequences of the choice Use of Language 6 13 19 25 effectively uses sensory details and figurative language to vividly show the incident contains few or no errors in spelling punctuation or capitalization Drafts Revisions and Timliness Rubric