Directions Answer the following questions in complete
Last updated: 9/1/2023

Directions Answer the following questions in complete sentences 1 If you had one extra hour of free time every day how would you spend it 2 If you could see into the future would you Why or why not 3 What is your favorite thing to do outside 4 Where would you like to be in 10 years 5 What is one thing on your bucket list you want to do before you finish high school 6 If you could be a character in any movie which one would you choose 7 What is your hidden talent 8 What is your favorite quote 9 What movie makes you cry 10 What was your favorite childhood toy 11 If you could trade lives for a day with anyone who would it be and why 12 If you were stranded on a deserted island who would you want to be with you 13 If you go on vacation anywhere in the world where would it be 14 If you could choose any car to drive for a year what would it be 15 If someone handed you 10 million what is the first thing you would buy 16 If you were given the choice to go to your dream college or get paid to go to a different college which would you choose 17 If you could solve one of the world s greatest problems which one would you choose 18 If you could be on vacation with a famous person who would it be and why 19 If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why 20 If you could have 15 minutes of fame what would you do with it