Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world.
Last updated: 7/24/2022

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. It is an island nation in southeast Asia. Half of the population lives on the largest island, Java, while the other half of the population is scattered among 13,000 smaller islands. Indonesia is a collection of several hundred unique ethnic/cultural groups, with each having their own language. Determine which population genetics term best describes each of the hypothetical scenarios below: 1) In 1883, more than two thirds of Krakatoa island was obliterated by a large volcano eruption. The eruption almost completely sterilized the island (most living things killed). Since then, the biodiversity of the island has been steadily returning. A small population of one spider species survived the eruption because they were protected by the rock caves where they were living. Now, 50% of this spider species population on the island is dark red while the other 50% is brown. However, on neighboring islands only 5% of the spiders are red and 95% are brown. : Most of the trees on the island were killed. Over time, the island has been repopulated with new tree species due to tree seeds that wash up on the beach from neighboring islands and birds that visit the island and leave the seeds in their droppings. One species of grass on the islands has two phenotypes, short and tall. Since the eruption, tall grass has become more common than short grass. Genetic studies have found that the short phenotype is caused by an allele of a gene that causes a mineral in volcanic ash to be toxic to the grass. On this island, one species of plants makes white, red, and blue flowers. The allele for blue flowers is not found anywhere else in the world, except on this island.