Match the cranial nerve with its correct function Olfactory
Last updated: 5/8/2023

Match the cranial nerve with its correct function Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Vestibulocochlear Glossopharyngeal Vagus Accessory Hypoglossal 4 A Provides motor function to part of the tongue for swallowing and conveys sensory impulses from the posterior part of the tongue B Sense of vision C Supplies motor functon for facial expression and conveys sensory impulses for the anterior 2 3 of the tongue D Supplies somatic motor fibers to the superior oblique muscle E Provides parasympathetic motor innervation to the heart lungs and abdominal viscera Transmits sensory impulses from the thoracic and abdominal viscera F Supplies motor fibers to the lateral rectus muscle G Motor fibers to four of the extrinsic eye muscles H Provides motor fibers to muscles of the tongue and controls tongue movements involved with manipulating food while chewing swallowing and speaking 1 Provide motor fibers to the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles J Conveys sensory impulses from the face and supplies motor fibers to muscles for mastication K Sense of smell L Transmits impulses for the sense of equilibrium and hearing