Neurofibromas are tumors arising from Schwann cells of the
Last updated: 8/19/2023

Neurofibromas are tumors arising from Schwann cells of the nerve sheath surrounding peripheral nerves 90 of people who get a neurofibroma just get one tumor and have no family history of this tumor type However some individuals get a large number of these tumors over time this condition is called neurofibromatosis and is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait determined by a single gene The gene involved is NF1 and encodes a protein called neurofibromin NF1 The wild type normal function version of NF1 protein downregulates the activity of Ras by promoting the conversion from the GTP bound active form into the GDP found inactive form Loss of function mutations in NF1 are driver mutations in neurofibroma Which of the following terms correctly describes the wild type version of the NF1 gene O Oncogene O Tumor suppressor gene Proto oncogene