Population A has a per capita birth rate, b = 0.8 and a per
Last updated: 7/9/2022

Population A has a per capita birth rate, b = 0.8 and a per capita death rate, d = 0.1. Population B has a per capita birth rate, b = 0.7 and a per capita death rate, d = 0.8. Population C has a per capita birth rate, b = 0.2 and a per capita death rate, d = 0.1. Assume no immigration (i=0) or emigration (e=0). Population A has 1000 individuals at time, t = 0. Population C has 1,000,000 individuals at time, t = 0. Time is measured in years. Which population is growing the fastest in terms of individuals per year at time t = 0? B A C