RANDOM ASSORTMENT or Independent Assortment At metaphase 1
Last updated: 10/9/2023

RANDOM ASSORTMENT or Independent Assortment At metaphase 1 tetrads line up randomly at the metaphase plate Sometimes all the paternal or all the maternal chromosomes face the north pole of the cell Most often there is a random mix of some paternal and some maternal chromosomes facing the north side There is no way to know which way the maternal and paternal chromosomes will go These northbound chromosomes eventually end up in half of the gamete cells and the southbound chromosomes end up in the other gamete cells If a cell only has one type of chromosome then there are only 2 possible arrangements of chromosomes at the metaphase I plate These 2 arrangements result in 2 different types of gametes If N number of type of chromosomes then the number of possible chromosome combinations in gametes 2 Show and draw how different arrangements of the 3 types of pop bead chromosomes at the cell equator at metaphase I could lead to 8 different combinations in the genetic information of gametes Indicate color and size of chromosomes clearly 1000