Research indicates that people underestimate their personal
Last updated: 3/11/2023

Research indicates that people underestimate their personal probability of encountering negative events Suppose you wanted to conduct a study to see how people s judgments of their likelihood to be involved in an accident relates to the number of accidents they have actually been involved in Below is the number of actual auto accidents for participants who thought they were very likely and very unlikely to be involved in an accident Number of accidents for those who believed they were extremely likely to be in an accident 2 10 10 1 9 10 3 10 3 9 5 4 2 5 9 Number of accidents for those who believed they were extremely unlikely to be in an accident 4 13 0 554 433 3 3 7 9 0 95 10 a Compute the mean number of accidents for the people in the extremely likely condition b Compute the variance and standard deviation for the extremely likely condition