We continue to guess-check-revise by guessing smaller and
Last updated: 8/12/2022

We continue to guess-check-revise by guessing smaller and smaller widths until we have a total area of 2,880 square inches for the mulched border. 156 in + ? in 60 in + 2(?) in Border width of border Complete the table. Use the given width of the border to determine the width, length, and area of the of the large rectangle. Subtract the area of the small rectangle from the area of the large rectangle to determine the area of the border. 11 in 10 in 9 in 8 in 60 in 7 in 156 in Shed width of large rectangle 60 in + 2(11 in) = 82 in 80 in 78 in in 74 in length of large rectangle 156 in + 11 in = 167 in 166 in in 164 in in area of large rectangle 13,694 in 2 in 2 12,870 in² in ² in ² area of small rectangle 9,360 in ² 9,360 in 2 9,360 in ² 2 9,360 in ² 9,360 in ² area of border 4,334 in² in² in² in² in²