Inorganic Chemistry Questions
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Inorganic Chemistry
Coordination compounds10 A home security system has a pad with 9 digits 1 to 9 Find the number of possible 5 digit pass codes a If digits can be repeated b If digits cannot be repeated

Inorganic Chemistry
Classification of Elements and PeriodicityThe call letters for all radio stations in the United States start with either a W east of the Mississippi River or a K west of the Mississippi River followed by three other letters that can be repeated How many different call letters are possible

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisWhy did the author write this passage O to provide information on the number of working students O to present different views on the issue of working students to inform teachers about the negative impact of C working students to take a position in favor of working students

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of Compounds6 The formation of water from gaseous hydrogen and gaseous oxygen has a negative enthalpy of reaction This means the reaction is Endothermic Exothermic Nuclear Explosive 2 H g O g 2 H O 1 AH 579 0 kJ mol

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis10 3 Fe O3 s CO g 2 Fe3O4 s CO2 g 4H 4H Products 2 A Peactants 4 2 1118 4 393 5 16 82912 110 5 AH 2 1118 4 393 5 3 821 2 110 5 4 1 146 AH 4992 4

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisCALCULATE A lab technician performed a titration to determine the concentration of acid H in a sample of water taken from a stream near a old closed mine She filled her burette with 0 00500 M NaOH solution In her test flask she measured 15 00 ml of the acidified stream water Her initial volume reading of NaOH solution in the burette was 0 70 ml After reaching the endpoint of the titration she read the volume of NaOH in the burette again and wrote down 5 50 ml Determine the H 1 concentration MA of the stream water using the data above a

Inorganic Chemistry
MetallurgyFor the following statements 1 Cast iron is purest form of commercial iron 2 The temperature in reduction of zinc oxide using coke is higher than Copper oxide 3 Copper is used for galvanising iron 4 The metal which is liquid at room temperature is refined by zone refining Choose the correct sequence where T represents true and F represent false Q TTFF O TTFT C FTFF nagpanne vague

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisCompound H kJ mol CO g 110 5 CO g 393 5 F O4 s 1118 4 Compound Fe O s H O l H O g 9 2 NaCl s F2 g 2 NaF Cl2 g H kJ mol 824 2 285 8 241 8 60 2 Fe3O4 s CO2 g HCI g NaCl s NaF s 92 3 411 0 569 0 J mol NH Cl s 3154 NO g 90 4 NH CH s 315 4

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis1 2 puntos Baeyer s reagent is a violet solution used for detecting certain chemicals To make it you dissolve 1 00 g of KMnO4 in 100 0 mL of water What is the molarity of that solution Ingrese su respuesta

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of CompoundsWhat is the stereochemistry of the product of the following reaction A B C 2R 3R 2R 39 2S 3R D 2S 3S H Br KCN

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisa D 7 Which graph would benefit the most from a catalyst Left graph Both graphs c Right graph d Neither 8 If a catalyst was added to both graphs which graph would experience a decrease in activation energy c Right graph d Neither Left graph Both graphs Potential Energy Activation energy Activation energy 100 Products Reactants Reactants energy released Reaction Progress Potential Energy Products energy absorbed Reaction Progress

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of Compounds7 Which graph would benefit the most from a catalyst Left graph Both graphs c Right graph Neither d 8 If a catalyst was added to both graphs which graph would experience a decrease in activation energy Left graph c Right graph Both graphs d Neither Potential Energy Activation energy Reactants energy released Reaction Progress Products Potential Energy Activation energy Reactants Products energy absorbed Reaction Progress

Inorganic Chemistry
Classification of Elements and Periodicitya b a b 7 Which graph would benefit the most from a catalyst Left graph Both graphs JC Left graph Both graphs Right graph d Neither 8 If a catalyst was added to both graphs which graph would experience a decrease in activation energy c Right graph d Neither Potential Energy Activation energy Reactants energy released Reaction Progress Products Potential Energy Activation energy Reactants Products energy absorbed Reaction Progress

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of Compounds1 NaOH s HCl g NaCl s H O g 133 8 kJ 2 2 CO2 s 556 kJ 2 CO O2 8 3 Potential Energy kJ 24 0 2004 180 1404 44

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of Compounds1 NaOH s 2 2 CO2 3 ot 240 Potential Energy kJ 2004 100 1204 HCl g NaCl s H O g 133 8 kJ 556 kJ 2 CO 028 g

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of Compounds6 Endothermic b Exothermic C Nuclear d Explosive The formation of water from gaseous hydrogen and gaseous oxygen has a negative enthalpy of reactio This means the reaction is 2 H g O g 2 H O 1 AHxn 579 0 kJ mol

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisCO g 110 5 CO g 393 5 F304 S 1118 4 9 2 NaCl s F2 g 2 NaF s Cl2 g 03 Fe 0 Fe O3 s H O l H O g 00 824 2 285 8 241 8 B HCI g NaCl s NaF s H KJ mol Compound H kJ m 92 3 NH Cl s NO g NH4Cl s 315 4 411 0 569 0 315 4 90 4

Inorganic Chemistry
S Block - Group 2If calcium were to react with chlorine what would likely form Select all that apply A calcium anion and a chlorine cation A Cat2 and CI 2 ion Two anions A Cat2 ion and two CI ions A calcium cation and two chloride anions A Ca Cl compound A CaCl compound

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of CompoundsRefer to the following phase diagram not to scale for methane P atm 45 7 1 00 0 092 90 6 90 7 T Kelvin A sample of methane at a pressure of 1 00 atm and a temperature of 92 8 K is heated at constant pressure to a temperature Which of the following are true Choose all that apply 109 1 190 7 The final state of the substance is a gas One or more phase changes will occur O The sample is initially a liquid The sample is initially a solid O The gas initially present will solidify

Inorganic Chemistry
P Block - Group 15Review Topics Refer to the following phase diagram not to scale for xenon P atm 57 6 1 00 0 37 152 0 161 3 165 0 289 7 Choose all that apply T Kolvin A sample of xenon at a pressure of 0 370 atm and a temperature of 173 K is compressed at constant temperat of 62 5 atm Which of the following are true References The sample is initially a solid The sample is initially a gas The final state of the substance is a liquid The solid initially present will vaporize One or more phase changes will occur

Inorganic Chemistry
Classification of Elements and PeriodicityXeFn mH O A Contain Xe Other Products Regarding above reaction which of the following option is correct O When n 6 and m 2 the hybridisation of Xe in A is sp d When n 2 and m 1 then other products has a diatomic colored gas When n 6 and m 3 then Electron pair structure of A is tetrahedral When n 6 and m 1 the hybridisation of Xe in A is sp d

Inorganic Chemistry
Metallurgy8 80 8 809 8 8 8 81 Question 2 If you subtract 5 745 from 8 79 what would the correct answer be to the correct number of sig figs 3 1 3 04 be to the correct number of sig figs 3 045 5 pts

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisCalculate the number of oxygen atoms in a 60 0 g sample of diphosphorus pentoxide P O5 Be sure your answer has a unit symbol if necessary and round it to 3 significant digits

Inorganic Chemistry
Classification of Elements and Periodicity2 74in 3 67in 13 9in 0 498in Question 2 If a person on a motorcycle is traveling at 4 5km hour how what is their speed in m min 270 000 m min 57 m min 75 m min 10 p

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisWhich of the following compounds is an ether O CH3CH2OH O CH30CH3 O CH3 COOH

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis4 students determine the density of 4 pieces of copper metal by water displacement method Below are their their mass and volume measurements and the calculated density Student mass volume calculated density 82 48 g 10 28 mL 8 02 g mL 70 15 g 7 56 mL 9 28 g mL 60 57 g 5 99 mL 10 12 g mL 85 47 g 10 10 mL 8 42 g ml 8 97 g mL A B C D Average density Given that the theoretical density of copper is 8 96 g mL how would you describe the average density result in terms of accuracy and precision The density results are neither accurate nor precise The density results are accurate but not precise O The density results are not accurate but precise The density results are both accurate and precise

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of CompoundsBCh Group E Expanded Octets SF PCI Group F Multiple Central Atoms C H6 Cals Brfs C H5OH BeF2 XeF C H CIF C F2

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisthe presence of more than one hydroxyl group their cyclic structures the presence of at least one hydroxyl group the presence of a carbonyl group usually on the 1 carbon atom O the presence of at least one chiral carbon atom Pregunta 68 The process in which information contained in RNA is used to manufacture protein called translocation O replication O transcription mutation

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of CompoundsHow many aromatic isomers of dibromobenzene exist 0 3 02 06 O 8 04

Inorganic Chemistry
Metallurgy13 Organisms in the phylum Firmicutes are all A Cocci B Eukaryotic C Gram positive D Pathogenic E Rod shaped 14 Non competitive inhibitors of enzymes attach to A ATP B The active site of an enzyme C The allosteric site of an enzyme D The product E The substrate

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis4 Match each of the following terms with the correct definition or description Definitions are used only once not all of the definitions will be used Pyrogen Pyogenic Antigenic variation Axenic LAB Parenteral Virulence Prodromal Incidence latrogenic A A description of how few pathogens are required to cause disease B A molecule that triggers a fever C A period of disease with vague symptoms D An important group of aerotolerant anaerobes E Caused by medical treatment F Describes a pathogen that causes pus formation G Inanimate object involved in indirect contact transmission H No foreign organisms present I The number of new cases of a disease J The process of blood cells leaving capillaries K The process of changing surface proteins to avoid detection L The total number of cases of a disease M Transmission through a puncture wound for example

Inorganic Chemistry
MetallurgyPotential Energy Reaction Coordinate C D energy A B Answer the questions using the graph above 1 Is the above reaction endothermic or exothermic 2 What letter represents the potential energy of the reactants 3 What letter represents the potential energy of the products 4 What letter represents the heat of the reaction delta H C D 5 What letter represents the activation energy of the forward reaction 6 What letter represents the activation energy of the reverse reaction 7 What letter represents the potential energy of the activated complex 8 Is the reverse reaction endothermic or exothermic 9 If a catalyst were added what letter s would change

Inorganic Chemistry
Metallurgy5 Describe the process of B cell activation as described in class Please assume that any other needed cells are already activated

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysisFind the digits in the tens place in the hundredths place and in the thousandths place for the following number 891 6152 tens 1 C X

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis42 This is an example of a neurotoxin A Cholera toxin B Diphtheria toxin C Endotoxin D Staphylococcal enterotoxin E Tetanus toxin 43 Beta lactam drugs interfere with the production of A DNA B Folic acid C Peptidoglycan D Phospholipids E RNA 44 Gut dysbiosis is a risk factor in which of the following diseases conditions A Autism B Depression C Diabetes D Schizophrenia E All of the above

Inorganic Chemistry
Coordination compounds3 Antimicrobial drugs have revolutionized medicine making many once deadly diseases no more than a minor inconvenience However there are sometimes problems that result from their use Please describe at least two serious problems associated with the use of these medicines

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis15 This organism is a yeast A Bordatella pertussis B Penicillium notatum C Plasmodium falciparum D Saccharomyces cerevisiae E Treponema pallidum 16 This enzyme is responsible for connecting Okazaki fragments during DNA replication A DNA polymerase B Helicase C Ligase D Primase E RNA polymerase

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis3 Improve the word choice of the 3 underlined words below When I was a kid I used to collect lots stamps of stuff I had loads of rare that definitely paid off I sold them all for 1000 to a guy at the local market 2 WORD 1 Kid Type here WORD 2 Stuff Type here By Air Mail Par Avion

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis1 Compare and contrast what happens to a Gram positive bacterial cell in a hypotonic environment with what happens to a human cell placed in a hypotonic environment If there are any major differences please explain why

Inorganic Chemistry
Metallurgy10 The Krebs cycle will produce ATP molecules for each glucose used A 2 B 4 C 6 D 10 E 38 11 The kind of reaction that breaks down amylose into glucose is called A Anabolic B Dehydration synthesis C Endergonic D Hydrolysis E Plasmolysis

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis8 An important part of the definition of a catalyst is A It must be a reactant in the reaction B It must be made of biological macromolecules C It must increase the activation energy barrier D It must raise the energy level of the products E It must speed up the chemical reaction 9 One difference between a Gram positive cell wall and a Gram negative cell wall is A The Gram negative cell has more DNA B The Gram negative cell has more endospores C The Gram negative cell is more susceptible to penicillin D The Gram positive cell has a thicker layer of peptidoglycan E The Gram positive cell has linear chromosomes instead of circular ones

Inorganic Chemistry
S Block - Group 16 This structure can be used by pathogenic bacteria to attach to epithelial cells A Cell membrane B Cell wall C Endospores D Fimbriae E Ribosomes 7 Which of the following products are made during glycolysis A ATP B NADH C Pyruvic acid D A and B E All of the above

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of Compounds0 The standard enthalpy of formation of hematite Fe O3 s is 825 5 kJ mol What is the standard enthalpy of reaction for the reduction of hematite with carbon monoxide to give metallic iron as shown below AH xn 283 0 kJ mol CO g 2O2 g CO g Fe O3 s 3 CO g 2 Fe s 3 CO2 g A 23 5 kJ mol C 849 0 kJ mol AH rxn B 542 5 kJ mol D 1674 5 kJ mol

Inorganic Chemistry
S Block - Group 14 Which of the following taxonomic groups is the largest contains the most organisms A Class B Domain C Family D Kingdom E Order 5 One of the important characteristics of active transport is A It can only move substances from high to low concentration B It can only move substances from outside to in C It only occurs in eukaryotes not prokaryotes D It requires energy E It results in antibody production

Inorganic Chemistry
Classification of Elements and PeriodicityRead the Instructions for Drawing Lewis Structures worksheet carefully and complete Lewis structures for each of the following molecules Group A Simple Molecules CH Group B Polyatomic Ions PO Group C Multiple Bonds NH CIO H O CIO SiF4 SO NCH

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of CompoundsA glycosidic bond is Any bond that can be broken by reaction with water O a bond between any two carbohydrate molecules O None of the choices O a bond formed between an anomeric carbon atom and any OR group O A bond between anomeric carbon atoms on two separate monosaccharides

Inorganic Chemistry
Metallurgy2 What are three things that can be done to improve the health of gut microbiome Briefly describe why each is helpful

Inorganic Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of CompoundsTwo isomeric forms of a saturated hydrocarbon O have different compositions of elements O have the same molecular formula O react vigorously with one another O have the same structure O have a different content of the isotones of hi

Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative analysis1 Ethanol has a normal boiling point of 78 3 C and a standard heat of vaporization AH vap of 38 6 kJ mol What is the vapor pressure of ethanol at 45 0 C B 0 57 atm D 0 91 atm A 0 25 atm C 0 87 atm