Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsb Calculate the activation energy kJ mol and frequency factor for the reaction Express the final answers with 4 sig figs 5 pts en k 02331 4 605 Arrhenius Plot for Reaction A g 28 g AB 0 002907 0 003663 VT VK

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn Kjeldahl s method of estimation of nitrogen in organic comp g of organic compound evolved ammonia which is neutralize by 20 ml of 0 2 M H SO4 Percentage of nitrogen in the organic compound is O 12 O 24 O 28 38

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateTwo consecutive irreversible first order reactions can be represented by k k2 C k A B The rate equation for A is readily integrated to obtain A A o e kit and B 1 At what time will B be present in maximum concentration a k 1 1 k k k k k k k 2 When k 1s and k 500 s select most appropriate graph Conc a nga sh c Conc 3001 2005 t sec B b C t A C B In c b k A o e kit ek k k 4 Select the correct statement for given reaction Conc Conc c graph C In k k B t sec LAKE t sec t sec 3 If k and k both are almost same then which graph is most suitable a graph A b graph B B C t a A decreases linearly b B rises to a max and then constant c B rises to a max and then falls d The slowest rate of increases of C occuring where B is max d None of these C t A A d graph D

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsFollowing process is used in welding metals C H g O g H O g 2CO g 5 2 If 39 gm of acetylene undergo combustion at 25 Take R JK mol 3 A q for process 1197 5 kJ C AS 3000 J K 4H 1200 kJ mol 1 atm and 327 C then B Work done 2 5 kJ D AS is negative

Physical Chemistry
GeneralALLE Which of the following compound on reaction 83 with excess of AgNO forms three moles of precipitate white 1 PtC1 6NH 3 PtC1 5NH 2 PtCl4 4NH 4 PtC1 3NH An AgNO fal 1 PtC1 6NH 3 PtCl SNH 2 PtCl 4NH 4 DIGI ONEL

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureWhen a mole of photons of wavelength 5000A incident of lodine molecules present in 1Lt container it shows pressure of 8 21 atm at 300K then calculate kinetic energy of particles present in KJ given bond NA 6 x 1023 dissociation energy of iodine molecule is 45 6KJ per mole planks constant is 6 6X10 9

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsThe rate of a chemical reaction doubles for every 10 C rise of temperature If the temperature is raised by 50 C the rate of the reaction increases by about AIEEE 2011 A B C D 64 times 10 times 24 times 32 times

Physical Chemistry
Solutions2 9 10 M 3 1 8 10 M 4 3 6 10 M Which of the following order is not correct 1 CIO SO PO bond strength Reducing strength 2 SnCl PbCl 3 BeF BeF BeF s character 4 XeF XeO F dipole moment

Physical Chemistry
GeneralHow many mega joules of energy can on obtain from growing 2 375 acres of switchgrass over one year Assume that c can obtain 500 gallons of ethanol per acre switchgrass per year Group of answer choices 500 MJ 1 221 105 MJ 44 348 MJ

Physical Chemistry
General3 0 075 M sec If AHeaction for 2H O 1 196 kJ then find the AH 4 0 0083 M sec 3 0 075 M sec 4 0 0083 M sec 2H O A O g is 55 af ff 2H O 1 2H O O g of H O A AH H 196 kJ AH H O A reaction fer and farferl Given AH H O 188 kJ mol 1 286 kJ mol 3 494 kJ mol 2 143 kJ mol 4 98 kJ mol 1 286 kJ mol 3 494 kJ mol 2 143 kJ mol 4 98 kJ mol

Physical Chemistry
General5 C verfat will be for which enough gnug 25 The solubility product of CaSO4 2H O is 2 4 x 10 5 What mass of this salt will dissolve in 1 0 L of 0 0 SO4 of lone in

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium83 33 gm of 117 6 oleum is added to 1 litre of 3M K4 Fe CN 6 further 2 litre of 33 6 volume strength H O2 at 1 atm 273K is added to it resulting formation of K3Fe CN 6 K2SO4 water If final volume of the solution is 3 litre then select the correct statements s O H SO4 is limiting reagent 2 moles of K3Fe CN 6 is formed If 2 ml of resulting solution is heated then 37 3 ml of O at 1 atm 273K will be evolved from H O If 3 ml of resulting solution is heated then 37 3 ml of O at 1 atm 273K will be evolved from H O

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesALLEN If IM of 2 5 L NaOH solution is mixed with 65 another 0 5 M of 3 L NaOH solution The molarity of resultant solution is 1 IM 2 0 727 M 3 0 86 M 4 0 50 M afe IM NaOH face 2 5 La 0 5 M NaOH facra 3L faren ard at font face F GKAI Brit 1 IM 3 0 86 M 2 0 727 M 4 0 50 M

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe enthalpy of combustion of benzoic acid C6H5COOH is commonly used as the standard for calibrating constant volume bomb calorimeters its value has been accurately determined to be 3226 7 kJ mol When 3 2017 g of benzoic acid are burned in a calorimeter the temperature rises from 21 84 C to 26 67 C What is the heat capacity of the bomb Assume that the quantity of water surrounding the bomb is exactly 2250 g

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriumvapour pressure at a given temperature Example 5 Vapour pressures of a liquid at 85 C and 96 C are 557 mm and 645 mm respectively Calcu molar heat of vapourisation of the liquid between 85 C and 96 C

Physical Chemistry
GeneralDetermine the mass of KOH if 46 3 of K3PO4 is produced and 92 8 of H3PO4 remains unreacted Atomic masses K 39 1 0 16 H 1 0 P 31 3KOH aq H3PO4 aq K3PO4 aq 3H20 e 367 g KOH 14 2 g KOH 36 7 g KOH you KOLU 2

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding54 AB g is dissociates as AB g AB g B g When the initial pressure of AB is 800 torr and the total pressure developed at equilibrium is 900 torr What fraction of AB g is dissociated 1 10 2 20 3 25 4 30 54 AB g fafara AB g AB g B g AB 4900 AB g fandall were fecifed gan 1 10 3 25 2 20 4 30

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe activation energy for a reaction is 9 kcal mol The increase in rate constant when its temperature is increased from 298 K to 308 K is R 2 cal K mol 1 100 213 1 63 OPTIONS CLEAR SELECTION OA 75 OB 25 C 100 MARK FOR REVIEW

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesA vessel contains 1 mole of O at 27 C and 1 atm 51 27 C m A f ressure A certain amount of the gas was withdrawn and the vessel was heated to 227 C to 27 1 at for ren maintain the pressure of 1 atm The amount of as removed was 1 0 6 mole 3 0 5 mole 2 0 4 mole 4 0 1 mole 1 0 6 3 0 5 2 0 4 4 0 1

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsd 6 65 kJ mol The pyrolysis of an organic ester follows a first order process and its rate can be expressed as In K 78 09 42075 T Kalvin where K is given in the unit of min The time required for 25 percent reaction to complete at 227 C is a 50 mint b 125 mint c 250 mint d 500 mint

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureWhich is correct statement about proton A proton is the nucleus of deuterium B proton is alpha particles C proton is ionized hydrogen molecules D proton is ionized hydrogen atom

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCorrect order of nucleophilicity for SN reaction 1 H H 0 CH COO 2 OH CH COO H O 3 H O CH COO OH 4 H O H CH COO

Physical Chemistry
General5 From the values of AH and AS predict which of the following reactions would be spontaneous at 25 C reaction A AH 10 5kJ mol AS 30J K mol reaction B AH 1 8kJ mol AS 113J K mol If either of the reaction is nonspontaneous at 25 C at what temperature might it become spontaneous

Physical Chemistry
General5 Compute the mass in grams of KCIO necessary to produce 67 2 litres of oxygen at S T P according 3 to the reaction 2KCIO3 s 2KCI s 30 g Molecular weight of KCIO3 122 5 1 96 2 2 3 122 5 4 245

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA levo rotatory compound 2 chloro 2 pheny I butane is undergoing nucleophilic substitution with OH following SN1 mechanism The product s obtained is are a leavo rotatory 2 phenyl butan 2 ol b De xtro rotatory 2 phenyl butan 2 ol c 1 1 Mixture of both a and b d None o f these

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAssertion A compound is made from sam e or different atoms combined in a fixed pro portion by mass Reason Constituents of compound exhibit their characteristics a Both assertion and reason are true and r eason is the correct explanation of assertio n b Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not correct explanation of asserti on c Assertion is true but reason is false d Both assertion and reason are false

Physical Chemistry
Electrochemistrywhere 2 303 RT F 0 0591 0 R 8 3147 T 273 K F 96500 C b R 8 314 J T 298 K F 96500 C c R 0 68212 atm T 273 K F 96500 C d R 0 0821 L atm T 298 K F 1 C

Physical Chemistry
General12 Select the correct statement s among the following a Mass by volume percentage unit is com monly used in medicine and pharmacy b Mass percentage concentration term is dependent on te mperature c In general a solute dissolve in a solvent if the Intermolecular interactions among mo lecules are much different in solutes and solvent d The solubility of a solid in a liquid in significan tly affected by temperature as well as by pressure 1 Only a and b 2 Only a and d 3 c 4 a c and d Answer given is 1 but how is b statement correct

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding16 What is the effect of the addition of sugar on the boiling and freezing points of water O a Both boiling and freezing points increase O b Both boiling and freezing points decrease c Boiling point decreases and freezing point increases d Boiling point increases and freezing point decreases

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsthe initial For the reaction A B CD E reaction rate was measured for various initial concentrations of reactants The following data were collected Trial 23 A M 0 10 0 10 0 20 0 20 B C M M 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 30 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 20 Initial rate M s 3 0x10 5 9 0x10 1 2x104 1 2x10 4

Physical Chemistry
General44 Answer A SrCO3 s Addition of which of the following substance can increase the solubility of SrCO3 according to above reaction Rate this question NaCl B HCL Sr aq CO3 aq C K CO3

Physical Chemistry
Solid state1 Select the correct statement s a Rate constants are never negative b Partial orders are never negative c Molecularity and order of reaction both are equal for elementary reactions d Order of reaction may be change with change in practical conditions temp and pressure 2 Select the correct statement s a The rate of reaction decreases with decrease in temperature b The rate of reaction is uniform in zero order reaction c The rate of reaction depends upon the surface area of the solid reactants d Average and instantaneous rate of reaction defined for micro and macro scopic time interval respectively 80 S 8 101 to nepomial to 06 d 8 0 i bloiy munoup OF 0

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingBalloons of 4L capacity are to be filled with Hydrogen at a pressure of 1 atm and 273 from an 8L cylinder containing Hydrogen 10 atm at the same temperature The nu ber of balloons that can be filled is 1 20 2 18 3 40 4 38

Physical Chemistry
General10 Write chemical equations for the following 1 Acid hydrolysis of Pentamide 2 Propanoic acid reacts with ammonia 3 Benzoic acid is treated with thionyl chloride 4 Hexanone on reaction with hydrazine

Physical Chemistry
Electrochemistry107 The half cell reduction potential of a hydrogen electrode at pH 10 will be 1 0 50 V 2 0 59 V 3 0 059 V 4 0 059 V 108 For a reaction M M ne A graph is plotted between reduction potential E and log M I

Physical Chemistry
General8 Assertion Haloalkanes react with KCN to form cyanoalkanes Reason KCN completely ionises in solution Both assertion and reason are correct Ostatements and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion 1 poir Both assertion and reason are correct O statements but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion O O Assertion is correct but reason is wrong statement Assertion is wrong but reason is correct statement

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics46 t constant confirms the first order reaction If a t constant confirms that the order of reaction is a initial concentration of reactant 1 zero 2 first 3 second 4 third Which of following is correct formula for given polymer 47 46 47 a t a 1 3 fra

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThree moles of an ideal gas at 200 K and 2 0 atm pressure undergo reversible adiabatic compression until the temperature becomes 250 K for the gas C is 27 5 JK mol in this temperature range 1 0 3 Calculate q w AU AH and final V and final P Given 1 4 2 1 5 4 13 3 2 61

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumCalculate the solubility in g L of Mn OH 2 in a 0 15 M aqueous solution of Mn Cl 2 aq The solubility product constant for Mn OH 2 1 90 10 13 M of Mn 54 94 g mol M of O is 16 00 g mol

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsWhat is the activation energy for a reaction if its rate doubles when the temperature is raised from 20 C to 35 C R 8 314 J mol K 1 342 kJ mol 1 2 269 kJ mol 1 3 34 7 kJ mol 1 4 15 1 kJ mol 1

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAt 80 C the vapour pressure of pure liquid A is 520 mmHg and that of pure liquid B is 1000 mmHg If a mixture of A and B boils at 80 C and 1 atm pressure the amount of A in the mixture is 1 25 mol 2 50 mol 4 48 mol ALLEN 57 3 34 mol An electron initially present in 80 C fer 1 25 3 34 en 520 mmHg 1000 mmHg 1 fe 2 50 4 48 A

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureSpecies Het Li Be 3 H He No of orbit radius in A Velocity of n of orbit electron m sec 2 1 587 4 36 x 10 Total energy of Pot Energy of Kinetic Energy electron eV electron eV of electron eV 6 8 3 4

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryCalculate the current in mA required to deposit 0 195 g of platinum metal in 5 0 hours from a solution of PICI atomic weight Pt 195 1 310 2 31 3 21 44 4 5 36 88 4 PtCl ungfer 45 0 0 195 for BIERGES BRI Pt 195 1 310 3 21 44 2 31 4 5 36

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhy in the Geometry of BrF5 is the lone pair is in axial Case 1 when the lone pair is in equatorial plane me ans the Lone Pair bond pair repulsion would be only 2 but in the first case it is total of 4 1 one pair bond pair repulsion then how it co mes out to be the structure of BrF5 used in various places

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following order is correct 1 Cr2 Fet2 Reducing character 2 Mn Crt Oxidising character 3 WO CrO Stability order 4 All of these 87 3 H 4 PR 1 Cr 2 Fe 2 34rch verta 2 Mn 3 Cr 3 31fchten gefa 3 WO CrO Penfura sh 4

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsThe rate constant the activation energy and the Arrhenius parameter of a chemical reaction at 25 C are 3 5 x 10 5s 1 110 5 kJ mol 1 and 6 0 x 10 4 s 1 respectively The value of rate constant at T o is OPTIONS CLEAR SELECTION MARK FOR REVIEW OA 1 5 x 105 s 1 OB 2 0 x 1010 s 1 OC 6 0 x 1014 S 1

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsThe mole fraction of CCl4 g in the vapour in equilibrium with liquid mixture of CCl4 and SiCl4 is 0 3474 The vapour pressure of SiCl4 and CCl4 is 238 3 and 114 9 mm respectively at the same temperature Calculate by weight of CCl4 in liquid mixture a 50 c 30 b 40 d 60

Physical Chemistry
Generalor a particula A B the te constant is 0 693 min 1 If the initial concentration of the reactant A is 1 M then the rate of reaction after 1 minute will be OPTIONS MARK FOR REVIEW CLEAR SELECTION OA 0 35 M min OB 0 14 M min C 0 693 M min

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsTo 5 85gm of NaCl one kg of water is added to prepare of solution What is the strength of NaCl in this solution mol wt of NaCl 58 5 A 0 1 Normal C 0 1 Molar A A B 0 1 Molal D 0 1 Formal

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesQ 23 The van der Waal s constants a and b for four gases given below Gases ax 103 in atm L mol2 b 102 in L mol Answer A POR 10 S 5 Which gas can be easily liquefied Q P Your Attempt 8 6 Correct answer 4562