Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium17 Some chemists at ISRO wished to prepare a saturated solution of a silver compound and they wanted it to have the highest concentration of silver ion possible Which of the following compounds would they use sp K AgCl 1 8 10 10 K AgBr 5 0 10 13 Kp Ag CrO4 2 4x 10 2 a AgCl c Ag CrO 4 b AgBr d Any of them

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistrypositive and negative negative and positive positive and positive negative and negative Question Type Question ID Option 1 ID

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryHydrogen gas is produced in laboratory by action of calcium on a dilute sulphuric acid solution If 90 L of wet H is collected over water at 27 C and a barometri pressure of 212 torr how many grams of Ca have been consumed The vapor pressure of water at this temperature is 22 torr Take R atm L mol K O 36 g O 40 17 g O 44 34 g O 32 g

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureFor which of the following sets of four quantum numbers an electron will have the highest energy I 1 3 2 4 3 4 2 2 1 To 1 2 1 2 1 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralN 3H 2NH3 Which is correct statement if N is added at equilibrium condition 2006 3M a The equilibrium will shift to forward direction because according to IInd law of thermodynamics the entropy must increases in the direction of spontaneous reaction b The condition for equilibrium is G N 3G H 2G NH3 where G is Gibbs free energy per mole of the gaseous species measured at that partial pressure The condition of equilibrium is unaffected by the use of catalyst which increases the rate of both the forward and backward reactions to the same extent rolgo c The catalyst will increase the rate of forward reaction by a and that of backward reaction by B svilosid d Catalyst will not alter the rate of either of the reaction

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCellular Respiration occurs when the body converts energy into usable energy The equation for cellular respiration is as follows C6H 2O6 60 6CO 6H 0 12 When burning 188 16g of C6H12O6 how many grams of carbon dioxide will be produced 45 95g CO2 276g CO2 128g CO2 7 65g CO2

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure23 Which combinations of quantum numbers n I m and s for the electron in an atom does not provide a permissible solutions of the wave equation 1 3 2 22 3 3 21 2 3 3 1 1 2 4 3 11 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA solute has a KD between water and chloroform of 5 00 Suppose we extract a 50 00 mL sample of a 0 050 M aqueous solution of the solute using 25 00 mL of chloroform What volume of chloroform do we need if we wish to extract 95 0 of the solute O 190 mL 96 mL 191 mL 95 ml A B C D

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCH3 3 58 The hypothetical complex triamminediaquachloridocobalt III chloride can be represented as 1 C NH H O CC 3 Co NH H O C CH3 2 Co NH H O C 4 C NH H O C

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesThe vapour pressure of pure benzene at 30 C is 640 mm of Hg and the vapour pressure of a solution of a solute in CH at the same temperature is 624 mm of Hg Calculate molality of solution LS0010

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingstate This solid is most likely to be a an 1 Molecular solid 2 Ionic solid 3 Covalent solid 4 Metallic solid Question Type MCQ Question ID 864351561 Option 1 ID 864351168

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureBohr s theory accounts for the stability and line spectrum of Li ion Bohr s theory was unable to explain the splitting of spectral lines in the presence of a magnetic field n the light of the above statements choose the most appropriate answer from the options iven below Statement I Statement II Statement I is false but statement II is true Both statement I and statement II are false Both statement I and statement II are true Statement I is true but statement II is false Question Type MCQ Question ID 86435156 Option 1 ID 86435116

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumThe dissociation equilibrium of a gas AB2 can be represented as The degree of dissociation is x and is small compared to 1 The expression relating the degree of dissociation x with equilibrium constant Kp and total pressure p is 1 2KP p 2 2Kp p 3 3 2KP p 1 2 4 KP P

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCorrect option for an endothermic gaseous reaction A B 3C will be 1 AH 0 AS 0 3 AH 0 AS 0 2 AH 0 AS 0 4 AS 0 AS 0 zone assuming no

Physical Chemistry
GeneralStructure of Atom 141 32 In any sub shell the maximum number of electrons having same value of spin quantum number is 1 1 3 2 1 For the 2 1 2 4 4 2

Physical Chemistry
General33 For the transition from n 2 n 1 which of the following will produce shortest wavelength 1 H atom 3 He lon it 2 Datom 4 Lion

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsThe enthalpy of vaporization for water is 186 5 kJ mol the entropy of its vaporization will be 1 0 5 kJK mol 3 1 5 kJ K mole 2 1 0 kJK mole 8 4 2 0 kJK mole

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryThe gas phase reaction 2A g A g at 400 K has AG 25 2 kJ mol 1 The equilibrium constant Kc for this reaction is Integer Use R 8 3J mol 1 K 1 In 10 2 3 log10 2 0 30 1 atm 1 bar antilog 0 3 0 501 en x10 2 Round off to the Nearest

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure21 The correct order of energy difference between adjacent energy levels in H atom 1 E E E E E E 2 E E E E E E 3 E E E E E E 4 E E E E E E

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryConsider the half cell reduction reaction Mn2 2e Mn E 1 18 V Mn e E 1 51 V 3 Mn2 The E for the reaction 3Mn Mn 2Mn and possibility of the forward reaction are respectively a 4 18 V and yes c 2 69 V and no b 0 33 V and yes d 2 69 V and no

Physical Chemistry
GeneralSelect the statements that correctly define parts per million ppm concentration ppm ppm ppm ppm volume of solute mL mass of solution g volume of solute ml volume of solution mL mass of solute g mass of solution g x 108 Check all that apply volume of solute ml volume of solvent mL x 10 x 10 x 10 Do you know the answer

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure29 Which is the correct graphical representation based on photoelectric effect L K E K E Intensity of light 1 1 11 3 III IV II IV KE No of photons Intensity of light 2 11 1 4 11 IV

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsQ21 At 298 K bond dissociation enthalpies of C C and C C are 330 and 540KJ mol respectively If the enthalpy of polymerisation per mole of polyethene C H4 g from ethe gas at 298 K is 6MJ the value of n is ID Q 529167 Options are A 5 B 50 C 500 D 200

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAqueous ammonia is used as a precipitating reagent for Al ions as Al OH rather than aqueous NaOH because 1 NH is a weak base 3 NaOH forms Al OH Jions Cellulose is a polymer of 2 NaOH is a very strong base 4 NaOH forms Al OH Jions

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn Tollen s test for aldehyde the overall number of electron s transferred to the Tollen s reagent formula Ag NH3 2 per aldehyde group to form silver mirror is Round off to the Nearest Integer en er

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureWhich of the following statements is not correct for ar electron that has the quantum numbers n 4 and m 2 a The electron may have the quantum number s MNR 1993 1 2 b The electron may have the quantum number 1 2 c The electron may have the quantum number 1 3 d The electron may have the quantum number 1 0 1 2 3

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistry1 9 03 10 2 3 01x10 3 6 02x10 A micelle formed during the cleansing action by soap is 1 a discrete particle of soap 3 a discrete particle of dust 4 1 8x10 2 aggregated particles of soap and dirt 4 an aggregate particle of dust and water

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structuretransition is inversely related to difference in the energy levels involved in the transition A Zn II salts are diamagnetic R Zn ion has one unpaired electron

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryFrom the available data predict at what tem perature will be the reaction given below be comes spontaneous N2 g O2 g 2NO g Given SN2 S02 204 9JK mol and SNO 210 5JK mol and AH 180 84JK mol 191 4JK mol

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium1 1 At a constant temperature Ke for the reaction H g 12 g 2HI is 48 2 Predict the direction in which the reaction will proceed at the same temperature when moles of H I2 and HI present are 1 10 2 2 10 2 and 4 x 10 2 respectively in 1 5 litre vessel Ans forward direction

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumIn a mixture of equimolar solutions of NaHCO and NaOH the species present in solution shall be 1 Na CO3 3 NaOH 2 NaHCO3 NaOH 4 NaHCO Na C IE03

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureA Electronic energy for hydrogen atom of different orbitals follow the sequence 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d R Electronic energy for hydrogen atom depends only on n and is independent of r m values

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumAn indicator used in a metal EDTA titration is a diprotic acid H A with pK values of pk 7 0 and pk 2 12 0 In a solution buffered at pH 11 the most predominant species of this indicator is 42 OH A O equal amount of H A and HA HA equal amount of HA and A 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralQ 17 neon dioxygen mixture contains 70 6 g dioxygen and 167 5g neon If pressure of the mixture of the gases in the cylinder is 25 bar What is the partial pressure of dioxygen and neon in the mixture

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsEnter your answer in the provided box Calculate the work done in joules by the reaction 2Na s 2H O 1 2NaOH aq H g when 0 91 g of Na reacts with water to form hydrogen gas at 0 C and 1 0 atm

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure6 The Bohr orbit radius for the hydrogen atom n is approximately 0 530 A The radius for the excited state n 2 orbitis in A 1 4 77 2 1 06 3 0 13 4 2 12

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure1 st 43 The frequency of radiation emitted when the 4 to n 1 in a hydrogen ionization energy of and h 6 625 x 10 4 Js electron falls from n atom will be Given H 2 18 10 8 J atom 1 1 54 x 1015 1 2 1 03 1015 S 1 3 3 08 x 1015 s 1

Physical Chemistry
GeneralNeutral ferric chloride is added to the aqueous solution of acetate The blood red colour is obtaine it is due to the compound 1 Fe OH 2 Fe OH 4 Fe OH CH COO 3 Fe CH COO OH Methane is quite stable whereas silane is unstable Because 1 C Cbond energy is much greater than Si Si bond energy 2 Si hond energy is much lower than C H bond energy

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingBoard Competitive Exams 44 Which one of the following ions has electronic configuration Ar 3d 1 Co 2 3 M 4 Fe At nos Mn 25 Fe 26 Co 27 Ni 28

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumThe value of AH for the reaction X g 4Y g 2XY g is less than zero Formation of XY g will be favored at 1 high temperature and high pressure 2 low pressure and low temperature 3 high temperature and low pressure 4 high pressure and low temperature Which one of the following undergoes reaction with 50 sodium hydroxide solution to giv

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureQ23 Which L C A O of two O atoms produce given shape molecular orbitals If internuclear axis is ID Q 529170 Options are A 2s and 2s Wave functions are added B 2px and 2px C 2py and 2py D 2p and 2pz Wave functions are added Wave functions are added Wave functions are substracted from the other

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure16 Number of spectral lines falling in Balmer series when electrons are de excited from th shell will be given as 1 n 2 in UV 2 n 2 in visible region 3 n 3 in near IR 4 n 3 in far IR 17 The ratio of the energy required to remove an electron

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureQ15 For the electrons of oxygen atom which of the following statements is correct a Zeff for an electron in a 2s orbital is the same as Zeff for an electron in a 2p b An electron in the 2s orbital has the same energy as an electron in the 2p c Zeff for an electron in Is orbital is the same as Zeff for an electron in a 2s orbital

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesThe adsorption of a gas is described by the Langmuir isotherm with the equilibrium constant K 0 9 kPa at 25 C The pressure in kPa at which the fractional surface coverage is 0 95 is 2 34 x x Find the value of x to nearest integer our Answer Rate this questic

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumArrange them in order of increasing energy from the lowest to highest AAJ KA TOPPER 1 ii iv i 11 2 i iii ii iv 4 iv ii iii 1 3 iii i iv ii pH of 0 1 M BOH weak base is found to be 12 The solution at temperature T K will display on osmotic pressure equal to 1 0 01 RT 2 0 01 RT 3 0 11 RT 4 1 1 RT The artificial sweetener that has the highest sweetness value in comparison to cane sugar is

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe degree of dissociation of HI at a particular temperature is 0 8 Find the volume of 1 5M sodium thiosulphate solution required to react completely with the iodine present at equilibrium in acidic conditions when 0 135 mol each of H and I are heated at 440 K in a closed vessel of ity 201

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsHalf life of decomposition of a hydrocarbon at an initial pressure of 1 atm is 2 sec Half life increases to 20 sec on reducing the pressure to 0 1 atm The reaction is 1 Zero order 3 Second order 2 First order 4 Third order 1

Physical Chemistry
General46 47 CHEMISTRY Consider the following statements Roasting is carried out to 1 Convert sulphide into oxide 2 Melt the ore 3 Remove moisture water of hydration and expel organic matter 4 Remove sulphur and arsenic in the form of volatile oxides Out of these statements 2 1 2 and 3 are correct 4 1 2 and 4 are correct 1 1 3 and 4 are correct 3 2 3 and 4 are correct Which of the following is the enantiomer of the structure

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium1 6 2 4 3 8 4 7 6x10 mole K Cr 0 reacts completely with 9 10 mole of X to give XO and Cr Value of n will be 1 1 2 3 3 2 Which of the following is an intensive property of the system 4 4

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumCalculate the pH of a solution prepared by dissolving 0 350 mol of benzoic acid C H5O H and 0 300 mol of sodium benzoate NaC7H5O in water sufficient to yield 1 00 L of solution The K of benzoic acid is 6 50 10 5 O 9 746 9 880 O 4 254 O 5 190