Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
SolutionsCane sugar underoges the inversion as follow C 2H 2O11 H O CH O CH 2O6 12 6 12 If solution of 0 025 moles of sugar in 200 gm of water show depresion in freezing point 0 37 then what sucrose has inverted K H O 1 86 K kg mol

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure73 If the circumference of Bohr s 3rd orbit in th hydrogen atom is 2 54 pm then the de Brogli wavelength of the electron is 1 8 5 10 13 m V E 3x108 3 717 2 0 85 10 11 m 3 2 54 10 12 m 4 0 25 10 13 m 05X10 7 x h 26x10 34

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium76 For which of the following reactions K may be equal P to 0 5 atm A 2H1 H 1 C N 3H 2NH B PCI D 2NO PCI Cl N O

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn hydrogen atom the de Broglie wavelength of an electron in the second Bohr orbit is Given that Bohr radius a 52 9 pm a 211 6 pm b 211 6 pm c 52 9 pm d 105 8 pm Odisha NEET 2019

Physical Chemistry
GeneralNGLE CORRECT How many hydrogen atoms are present in 0 1 mole of mohr s salt FeSO4 NH4 2 SO4 6H O A 10 NA X B 14 NA C 2 NA D None of these of uptor at room temperature is 1 g ml How many molecules are there in a drop of water if i

Physical Chemistry
Solutionsand mole fraction of solute Calculate the amount of ice that will separate out of cooling a solution containing 50g of ethylene glycol in 200 g water to 9 3 C K for water 1 86 K mol kg A solution of crab hemocyanin a pigmented protein extracted from crabs was prepared by dissolving

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsThe density of 3 M solution of NaCl is 1 25 g ml Calculate molality of the 1 solution

Physical Chemistry
GeneralOne litre solution contains 1M HOCI K 10 and 1 M NaOH What is the pH of th solution 1 8 3 5 4 2 2 11

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingGeneral molecular formula of carbonyl compounds is 1 C H O 3 C H O 2 C H2n 2O 4 C H2n 2O

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe velocity of the electron in the first Bohr orbit in H atom is 2 2 x 108 cm sec The velocity of the lone electron in the third Bohr orbit of Li is atomic number 3 a 19 8 x 108 cm sec b 6 6 108 cm sec c 4 4 108 cm sec 108

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states1 The average molar heat capacities of ice and water are 37 6 and 75 2 J mol K respectively and its enthalpy of fusion is 6 02 kJ mol The amount of heat required to raise the temperature 0 moter DOT of 10 g of water from 10 C to 10 C is equal to a 2376 Jb b 4752 Jo c 1128 Jd d 3970 JES

Physical Chemistry
GeneralOn addition of NaOH to CH COOH solution 60 of the acid is neutralised If pK of CH COOH is 4 7 then the pH of the resulting solution is 1 More than 4 7 but less than 5 0 2 Less than 4 7 but more than 4 0 3 More than 5 0 1 Romains unchanged

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsAn ideal gas at temperature T and initial volume V is first expanded adiabatically to a volume 2V and then isothermally expanded to volume V It is now compressed adiabatically until its temperature becomes T again The final volume is 1 V 2

Physical Chemistry
General5 The mass of electron moving with velocity of light is a 2me c Infinite b 3me d Zero

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsK K3 K b K K3 K A first order reaction has a specific reaction rate of 10 sec1 How much time will it take INEET 20 d 238 6 sec 20g of the reactant to reduce to 5g a 138 6 sec b 346 5 sec c 693 0 sec

Physical Chemistry
Energetics35 If a ground water contains H S at concentration of 2 mg l determine the pressure of H S in head space of a closed tank containing the ground water at 20 C Given that for H S Henry s constant is equal to 6 8 x 10 bar at 20 C Bark 36 sd har stor ei noitulo or to see C 553 Paibiloa asl D 55 10 Pa X A 720 Pa B 77 10 Paio A pressure cooker reduces cooking time for food because oz zalupsion

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistry4 As S3 colloidal solution obtained when As O3 is saturated with H S Which is the diffused part belliso e Hq bla 1 As 3 2 S Jnioq br S og monte alls must 4 0 3 H

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureElectromagnetic radiation of wavelength 242 nm to ionise the sodium atom Calculat energy of sodium in kJ mol just sufficient the ionisation

Physical Chemistry
Energeticsat would be the heat released in calorie when 200 cm of 0 1 M H SO4 is mixed 175 cm of 0 2 M KOH

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states1 200 mL of hydrogen and 250 mL of nitrogen each measured at 15 C and 760 mm pressure are put together in a 500 ml flask What will be the final pressure of the mixture at 15 C 100 ml of N gas at 700 mm and 300 ml of H gas at 800 mm were introduced into a vessel of 2 litres at

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumXeOF 2HF constant K XeO XeFXeOF XeO F constant XeF H 0 K Then equilibrium constant for the reaction XeO4 2HF XeO F H O will be K K 4 K K 1 K Ans 3 2 K K 3 K TE 5 PRO AMERA

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics5 For the following reactions write the rate of reaction expression in terms of reactants and products 2NO O i 4NH g 50 g 4NO g 6H O g ii 2N O 7 For the chemical decomposition of SO Cl its initial concentration is 0 8420 mol L and final concentration is 0 215 moll in 2 hours What is the average rate of this reaction

Physical Chemistry
General4 What volume of hydrogen gas at 273K and 1 atm pressure will be consumed in obtaining 21 6g of elemental boron at mass 10 8 from the reduction of boron trichloride with hydrogen AIEEE 2003 a 44 8 L c 89 6 L b 22 4 L d 67 2 L

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistry61 Which pair is correctly matched Fe OH Fe CH 2 As S As 3 SnO SnO in acidic medium 4 Agl It in excess of AgNO3

Physical Chemistry
General57 between their molecular masses The drain cleaner Drainex contains small bits of aluminum which react with caustic soda to produce dihydrogen What volume of dihydrogen at 20 C and one bar will be released when 0 15g of aluminum reacts What 11 pressure

Physical Chemistry
General5 0 M HNUS How many grams of Cl is produced from 15 8 g of KMnO and 50 mL of 10 M HCl according to the reaction 2KMnO 16HCI 2KCI 2MnCl 8H 0 5CL

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium2 gm FeSO is completely oxidised by acidic 4 0 05M KMnO solution then what will be 4 volume of KMnO is required Fe 56 S 32 O 16 1 0 10 lit 2 0 20 lit H

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingThe oxidation potential of Zn Cu Ag H and Ni are 0 76 0 34 0 80 0 0 55 volt respectively Which of the following reaction will provide maximum voltage 1 Zn Cu Cu Zn 2 Zn 2Ag 3 H Cu 4 H Ni 2 2Ag Zn 2H Cu 2H Ni

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumWhich of the following statement s is are correct a The pH of 1 0 108 M solution of HCl is 8 8 b The conjugate base of H PO4 is HPO c Autoprotolysis constant of water increases with temperature 1998 2M d When a solution of a weak monoprotic acid is titrated against a strong base at half neutralisation point pH pKa

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryMnO 5e 8H Mn 4H O then Nerst equation for Epp is RP 1 E reaction 2 E 2 F MnO Mn MnO Mn E E 0 059 5 log 0 059 5 MnO H 2 log Mn2 Mn H O MnO4 Mn F 0 059x5log

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistryWhich is are correct about protective colloids 1 Haemoglobin cannot be used as a protective colloids 2 Protective colloids are responsible for the stability of paints ink etc 3 Lyophobic colloids act as protective colloids 4 Gelatin is a better protective colloid than gum proble

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure4 The kinetic energy of an electron in H like atom i 6 04 eV Find the area of the third Bohr orbit to which this electron belong Also report the atom

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structurenic ns sity me ng OW 16 Which orbital diagram gives an insight to the highest ionization energy 2 N 1s 1s 1 1s 11 2s 2p 4 2s 2p 5 7 4 1s S 2s N 2s 2p N11 2p E

Physical Chemistry
General3 Two elements A at wt 75 and B at wt 16 combine to yield a compound The by weight of A in the compound was found to be 75 08 The formula of the compound is a A B b A B3 d AB2 c AB

Physical Chemistry
Electrochemistry12 The specific conductance of a saturated AgCl solu tion is found to be 1 86 x 106 S cm and that for water is 6 0 108 S cm The solubility of AgCl is Aq A 1372 S equiv cm eq A 1 7 x 103 mol L C 1 3 x 10 mol L A B 1 3 x 105 mol L 1 D 1 3 x 106 mol L L

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium20 0 grams of CaCO3 s were placed in a closed vessel heated maintained at 727 C under equilibrium CaCO3 s CaO s CO g and it is found that 75 of CaCO was decomposed What is the value of K The volume of the container was 15 litres Changes in

Physical Chemistry
General20 For the reaction 2NO2 g 2NO g O g 1 8x10 6 at 185 C The value of Kat 185 C for the reaction Kc NO g 0 8 a 0 9 106 0 105 103 NO g is b 1 95 10 3 d 7 5 10

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure1 34 What are the number of protons neutrons and electrons in the following isotopes a H b 4 N 26 c Si 14 d 70 304

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn A g 3A g reaction the initial concentra tion of A is a mol L If x is degree of dissocia tion of A The total number of moles at equilib rium will be a a 1 x 342 1 a ax 2 X Fot

Physical Chemistry
GeneralChinook Loo Mistral 2 3 4 Puna 5 Set 3 2 3 Pampero Column I Fohn Simoon Yoma Norwester 4 5 Loo Set 4 Column 1 1 Cirrus Cloud 2 Cumulus Stratus 4 Nimbus a b c d e f e f a b a b Japan c Europe d Arabian desert New Zealand Easterlies 1 Column II From the Alps to the Mediterranean sea Andes region d Rocky mountains in the USA South America Plains of northern India Westerlies Column II Causes sunstroke to people Column II Rain bearing Vertical clouds At lower level At higher level At middle level

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsIn an irreversible process taking place at constant T and P and in which only pressure volume work is being done the change in Gibb s free energy dG and change in entropy Prouler sils ds satisfy the criteria 24 bi 0163 E T P V E T P a ds 0 dG p 0 b ds 0 dG p 0 d ds 0 dG p 0 V E c ds 0 dG p 0 TP

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesa where V is the molar volume of the gas and a b The equation of state for a real gas is P are constants different than Vanderwaal s constant then calculate the temperature at which the gas follows RT V b TV boyle s law at low pressure A a Rb 8a B 27Rb C a Rb D 8a RT TU 1 a v

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium100 mL of 0 01 M KMnO4 oxidizes 100 mL H O in acidic medium Volume of same KMnO4 required in alkaline medium to oxidize 100 mL of same H O will be 500 b mL 3 d None of these a c 100 3 300 5 mL mL

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsNE 24 A reaction having equal energies of activation for forward and reverse reactions has 1 AH AG AS 0 2 AS 0 3 AG 0 4 AH 0

Physical Chemistry
Solutionsmolecular formula K H O 0 52 K mol kg A complex is represented as CoCl xNH It s 0 1 molal solution in a solution show AT 0 558 C K for H O is 1 86 K mol kg Assuming 100 ionisation of complex an coordination no of Co is six calculate formula of complex Agolution containin

Physical Chemistry
Solutions3 2 mol of A is mixed with 3 mol of B to form an ideal solution such that the total vapour pressure over the solution becomes 500 mm Hg If 1 mol of B is further added vapour pressure becomes 450 mm Hg What is the vapour pressure of pure component B 1 675 mm Hg 2 950 mm Hg 3 200 mm Hg 4 575 mm Hg

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumEx 16 Equal volume of 0 2 M NH4OH or ammonia and 0 1 M H SO4 are mixed Calculate pH of final solution Given K of NH3 1 8 x 105 at 25 C

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumThe H ion concentration in 0 001 M acetic acid is 1 34 x 104 g ion L The H ion concentration of 0 164 g of CH COONa is added to a litre of 0 001 M CH COOH will be 1 9 x 10 6 3 4 5 x 10 6 2 18 x 10 6 4 5 x 10 6

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistrySome of the following sluI Air inte at III Glucose solution V Pearl Select true solutions 1 I II III 3 I IV V VI are true solutions II Sea water IV Gem stone VI Blood 2 II III IV V 4 II IV VI 9