Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
SolutionsFeCl3 on reaction with K Fe CN 6 in aq solution gives blue colour These are separated by a semipermeable membrane PQ as shown Due to osmosis there is 0 1M K Fe CN 111 P Side X 0 01M FeC Side Y 1 blue colour formation in side X 2 blue colour formation in side Y 3 blue colour formation in both of the sides X and Y 4 no blue colour formation

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich statement is incorrect 1 Ni CO Tetrahedral paramagnetic 2 Ni CN 2 Square planar diamagnetic 3 Ni CO Tetrahedral diamagnetic 4 NiCl 2 Tetrahedral paramagnetic

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich one of the following complex ions has geometrical isomers 1 Co en 3 Co NH en 3 en ethylenediamine 2 Ni NH3 Br 4 Cr NH3 4 en

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe complex exhibit lowest energy absorption bond is 1 NiCl 2 Ni CO 3 Ni CN 1 4 Ni H O

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsA reaction is 50 completed in 4 hours and 75 in 6 hours The order of the reaction is completed 1 O 2 1 3 2 4 3

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe pair of molecules that exhibit grometrical isom erism are 1 Cr NH Cl and Co NH Cl 2 Cr NH Cl 2 and Co NH CI 3 Cr NH 1 and Co NH 1 4 All of the above show geometric isomerism 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA magnetic moment of 1 73 BM will be shown by one among of the following compounds 1 Cu NH 12 3 TiCl4 2 Ni CN 1 4 CO I 1

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich one of the following cyano complexes would exhibit the lowest value of paramagnetic behaviour 1 Cr CN 1 3 Fe CN 1 2 Mn CN 1 4 Co CN 1

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding5 How many unpaired electrons are present in the Brown Ring complex Fe H O NO SO4 1 4 3 0 2 3 4 5

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsTwo liquids A and B have vapour pressure in the ratio P P 2 3 at a certain temperature Assume A and B form an ideal solution and the ratio of mole fractions of A to B in the vapour phase is 1 3 then the mole fraction of A in the solution at the same temperature is 1 3 113 114 2 4 2 A w w N

Physical Chemistry
GeneralProperty 19 N 2g a No of electrons in 5 b No of electrons in e 0 c No of electrons in t 6 2919 g iv Fe CN 14 bbsgillo d No of electrons in e 2 to sorisede ni eashuol 9 Complexes i CoC ii Co OX d iii Co H O poesig of sub et dur 300

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIf A P the correct electronic configuration for d4 system will be 0 1 te 4 3 to t 3 2 te 2 4 t e 2g 125

Physical Chemistry
GeneralPractice Problem 109 What maximum volume of 3 M solution of KOH can be prepared from 1 each of 1 M KOH and 6 M KOH solutions by using water Practice Problem 110 40

Physical Chemistry
General3 The octahedral complex of a metal ion M with four monodentate ligands L L L3 and Labsorb wavelength in the region of red green yellow and blue respectively The increasing order of ligand strength of the four ligands is 1 L3 L L4 L 2 L L L4 L3 3 L4 L3 L L 242

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureQ58 For an orbital in B4 radial function is R r 1 Z 9 6 ao 3 14 where o 4 0 e 0 2 Zr and a 0 529 Z atomic number r radial distance from nucl ao The radial node of orbital is at distance from nucleus A 0 529 B 2 12 C 1 06 D 0 423

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIf the molar volume of KCI and NaCl are x mL and y mL respectively then the ratio of the edge length of FCC unit cells of KCI and NaCl will be 1 3 1 3 X 1 3 58 5 74 5y 1 3 2 4 58 5y 74 5x 74 5 x 58 5 y 1 3

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistryA long cylindrical conductor of radius R contains current of uniform density J Two small holes of radius r R 2 are drilled symmetrically throughout the length of the cylinder The axes of the holes are parallel to the axis of cylinder and at distance d from it in the same plane Magnetic field on the axis of one of the hole will be Mi 2 7 2 10 0 1 B 14 20 2nd R 2 A Hod 2 C Hod 2 d 2d B D none of the above 0

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsRelative decrease in vapour pressure of an aqueous NaCl is 0 181 Number of moles of NaCl present in 180g of H O is consider 100 dissociation of NaCl

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingThe number and type of bonds between tw boron atoms in B molecule 1 Two sigma two pi 2 Two sigma one pi 3 One Pi

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe correct order for the wavelength of absorption in the visible region is 1 Ni NO Ni NH3 Ni H O 2 Ni NO Ni H O 2 Ni NH3 3 Ni H O Ni NH3 Ni NO 4 Ni NH3 Ni H O Ni NO 6

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe crystalline salt Na SO4 xH O on heating loses 55 9 of its mass and becomes anhydrous The formula of crystalline salt is 2 Na SO4 7H O 4 Na SO4 10H O 1 Na SO4 5H O 3 Na SO4 2H O

Physical Chemistry
GeneralConsidering H O as a weak field ligand the num ber of unpaired electrons in Mn H O will be At no of Mn 25 1 Four 2 Three 3 Five 4 Two

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium0 02M of pyridium hydrochloride having H 5 55x10 6 what is ionisation constant of pyridine 1 1 54 x10 9 2 1 54 x 10 7 3 1 54 x 10 6 4 1 54 x 10 5 16

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAmong the ligands NH3 en CN and CO the correct order of their increasing field strength is 1 CO NH en CN 2 NH en CN CO 3 3 CN NH3 CO en 4 en CN NH CO

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsIn the reaction A 2B CD 2E The rate of reaction remains unchanged if the conc of B is doubled and that of A and C is kept constant What is the order with respect to B 1 0 2 1 2 3 1 4 3

Physical Chemistry
GeneralHexafluoroferrate III ion is an outer orbital com plex The number of unpaired electrons are 1 1 3 4 2 5 4 Unpredictable

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingAmongest the following highest paramagnetism 1 Cr H O 1 3 Cu H O 1 ions which one has the 2 Fe H O 4 Zn H O

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following statements about Fe CO is correct 1 It is paramagnetic and high spin complex 2 It is diamagnetic and high spin complex 3 It is diamagnetic and low spin complex 4 It is paramagnetic and low spin complex

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe spin only magnetic moment in units of Bohr magneton ug of Ni2 in aqueous solution would be At No Ni 28 1 O 2 1 73 3 2 84 4 4 90

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsThe vapour pressure of benzene at a certain temperature is 640 mm of Hg A non volatile and non electrolyte solid weighing 2 175 g is added to 39 08 g of benzene If the vapour pressure of the solution is 600 mm of Hg what is the molecular weight of solid substance 1 49 50 3 69 46 2 59 60 4 79 82

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryThe ratio of volume of gases obtain at anode when aq NaCl and aq Na SO4 is electrolysed connected in series is respectively 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 3

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesA mixture containing N and H in a mole ratio 1 3 is allowed to attain equilibrium when 50 of the mixture has reacted If P is the pressure at equilibrium then the partial pressure of NH3 formed is A P 2 C P 5 B P 3 D P 9

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics11 In a reaction 2HI H I the concentration of HI decreases from 0 5 mol L to 0 4 mol L in 10 minutes What is the rate of reaction during this interval 1 a 5 x 10 3 M min 1 c 5 x 10 2 M min 3 1 b 2 5 x 10 M min d 2 5 x 102 M min

Physical Chemistry
GeneralHow many maximum spectral lines are possible electron is present in 4th shell and only two ator are present in sample 1 6 2 4

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsIf LPG cylinder contains mixture of butane and isobutane then the amount of oxygen that would be required for combustion of 1 kg of it will be 1 1 8 kg 2 3 58 kg 3 2 7 kg 4 4 5 kg

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA compound has the empirical CoCl 5NH When an aqueous solution of this compound is mixed with excess silver nitrate 2 mol of AgCl precipitate per mol of compound On reaction with excess HCl no NH is detected Hence it is 3 3 5 1 Co NH Cl Cl 2 Co NH3 CI Cl 2 3 Co NH C 4 Co NH Cl CH NH 3

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhich of the following is considered to be an anti cancer species H N X Pf CI 1 3 CL CI Pt CI NH CI CI 2 CI 4 P CH TI CH CI H N X Pt H N

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriuman aqueous solution of 0 01 M CH COOH has Van t Hoff factor 1 01 If pH log H pH of 0 01 M CH COOH solution would be

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe complexes Co NO NH Cl and Co ONO NH3 Cl are the examples of 1 Coordination isomerism 2 Ionisation isomerism 3 Geometrical isomerism 4 Linkage isomerism

Physical Chemistry
General3 Which of the following contains one unpaired electron in the 4p orbitals 1 Cu NH 3 Cu CN 1 2 Cu NH 4 Ni CN 1 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich is true for Ni en 12 Z Ni 28 1 paramagnetism dsp square planar C N of Ni 2 2 diamagnetism dsp square planar C N of Ni 4 3 diamagnetism sp tetrahedral C N of Ni 4 4 paramagnetism sp tetrahedral C N of Ni 4

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA sample of an ethanol water solution has a volume of 55 0cm and a mass of 50 0gm Assume that there is no change in volume compounds are mixed The density of ethanol is 0 80gm cm and that of water is 1 00gm cm What doesn t the percentage of ethanol by mass in the solution

Physical Chemistry
GeneralInsulin contains 3 4 sulphur the minimum molecular weight of insulin is 1 941 176 3 945 27 2 944 4 None

Physical Chemistry
General1 1 0 x 104 3 1 0 x 1010 4 1 0 10 4 163 A certain buffer solution contains equal concentration of X and HX The K for X is 10 10 the pH of the buffer is 1 4 2 9 3 10 4 7

Physical Chemistry
General3 100000 4 200000 An amount of 0 3 mole of SrCl is mixed with 0 2 mole of K PO The maximum KC1 which may form will be 1 0 6 2 0 5 3 0 3 4 0 1

Physical Chemistry
Solid state8 Which type of crystal system contain only one Bravais lattice 1 Hexagonal 3 Cubic 2 Tetragonal 4 Monoclinic

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhich gives only 25 mole of AgCl when reacts with AgNO3 1 PtCl 4NH 3 PtCl 4NH3 2 PtCl 5NH3 4 PtCl 3NH 4

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIf EAN of a central metal ion X 2 in a complex is 34 and atomic number of X is 28 The number of ligands present in complex are 2 4 monodentet 1 3 3 6 4 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe relation between osmotic pressures at 273 K when 20 g glucose P 20 g urea P and 20 g sucrose P3 are dissolved in 250 ml of water is 1 P P P3 3 P P P3 2 P3 P P2 4 P2 P3 P