Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesThe liquefaction behaviour of temporary gases like CO approaches that of N O permanent gases as we go 1 Below absolute zero 2 Above absolute zero 3 Above critical temperature 4 Below critical temperature ar Y Y 7 and c respectively where

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsQuestion No 4 40 Which of the following is the curve for Fermi Dirac statistics 4698 f K 200 0 5 X Y 2006469 AO None BOX NX 54696 202 26 2020064 2020 020064696 2 20064696 696 2020064 064696 202

Physical Chemistry
Solutions32 Two liquids A and B form a non ideal solution which obey the equation P P 3 P P x 2 P Pg x When equi molar mixture of A and B distilled find B the mole fraction of B when this mixture will have a single boiling point

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsA system undergoes a process in which AU 300 J while absorbing 400 J of heat energy and undergoing an expansion against 0 5 bar What is the change in the volume in L a 4 b 5 e 2 d 3 AU 3005 OJ bar

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsIn which reaction taking place at constant temperature the system does work on the surroundings II NH Cl s 1 Ag aq Cl aq AgCl s III 2NH3 g N g 3H g a I b III c II a III T NH g HCl g d 1 and

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsWhich of the following statements is incorrect 1 NaHCO3 on heating gives Na CO3 2 Pure sodium metal dissolves in liquid ammonia to give blue solution 3 NaOH reacts with glass to give sodium silicate 4 Aluminium reacts with excess NaOH to give Al OH 3

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticst 0 ta A gaseous reactant X decompose to produce gaseous product B C in a parallel reaction both by first order as follows K1 3 A A a a n KLC X g k 2 x 10 min B g k 3 x 10 min C g B B 1 KI k K Iw kitk Alt A o kit t If the decomposition is carried out in a sealed flask partial pressure of B after very long time was found to be 100 mm Hg Determine the time when pressure of X g was 100 mm Hg In2 0 693 A deum for the tv

Physical Chemistry
Solid statePick up the CORRECT statement s 0 In the fluorite structure CaF2 the Ca2 ions are located at the lattice points of ccp and Fions fill all the tetrahedral holes in the ccp lattice 0 In the structure Rb2 S the cations are located at the lattice points and anions fill the tetrahedral holes in cc The radius of a metal atom is taken as 1 2 the nearest metal metal distance in metallic crystal There are effectively four octahedral voids in fcc packing

Physical Chemistry
Electrochemistryhich of the following is correct 1 For H and He z 1 and molar volume at STP is less than 22 4 L 2 For H and He z 1 and molar volume at STP is greater than 22 4 L 3 For H and He z 1 and molar volume at STP is less than 22 4 L 4 For H and He z 1 and molar volume at STP is greater than 41

Physical Chemistry
GeneralHelium and neon is present in insulated container that is divided into two compartments at conditions given below Ne He P n T V P n T V 21 2 If wall is removed such that no work is done then select the incorrect statement about the final mixture of gas 1 Final pressure is R n T n T 2 V V n T n T 2 n n 3 y C C of final mixture is same of initial 2 Final Temperature is

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumApplication of Principles 2 Co solutions are also acidic because of an equilibrium like the one in the previous ques Co H O 2 aq H2O Co H2O s OH aq H O aq but with K 5 0 x 10 10 Calculate the pH of 0 10 M Co NO3 2 aq Number

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsCalculate the initial reaction rates for Experiments elapsed times Use correct units Laboratory temperature 23 8 C Experiment Trial 2 Start ddddddo End 2 20 2 43 1 16 1810 1805 1 15 1 35 Elapsed Time s 130 150 76 ave 140 70 65 75 95 Temp 34 8c ave 73 ave 70

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateBr2 water Define unit cell Calculate the number of atoms present in a face centred cubic unit cell What would be the osmotic pressure of 0 02 molar aqueous solution of urea at 27 C R 0 082 L atm K mol

Physical Chemistry
Generald 0 477 M and 0 477 M Which has the maximum number of molecules among the following a 44 g CO c 8 g H b 48 g 03 d 64 g SO 2011 Mains 6 02 1020 molecules of urea are present in 100 mL of its solution The concentration of solution is

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsThe rate of a second order reaction 2A products is 8 x 10 4 mol L 1 s1 when concentration of A is 2 mol L 1 The rate constant of the reaction is A C 4 x 10 L mol s 8 x 10 L mol s 1 x 10 L mol s 2 10 L mol s

Physical Chemistry
General25 Which of the following has maximum number of atoms Atomic mass of Fe 56 u and Ag 108 u 1 28 g of carbon monoxide 2 28 g of iron metal 3 24 g of ozone

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics69 For a generalized nth order reaction AP the incorrect deduction is 1 1 A kt n 1 A DAT A concentration of A and k is rate constant B The expression of half life is t where A and A are initial and has instantaneous 1 21 1 k n 1 A C If n 0 concentration of A decreases linearly with time D If n 1kt 9

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn a reaction 2HI g H g 1 g the concentration of HI decreases 0 6 M to 0 5 M in 10 minutes The average rate reaction during this interval is 0 05 M min 1 0 005 M min 1 0 01 M min 1 0 001 M min

Physical Chemistry
GeneralStudent A wanted to determine the IN of an unknown oil density 0 85 g mL using pyridinium tribromide as a halogenation agent The student added 0 488 g of pyridinium tribromide in 20 ml 1 v v oil solution and proceeded accordingly Student A recorded that 31 mL of 0 1 N was added for the dark brown color of the oil solution to disappear How many grams g of bromine MW Br 160 g mol reacted with the oil None of the choices O 0 49 g 0 74 g O 0 24 g 0818

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsJestion No 20 40 A reaction proceed through the formation of an interme unimolecular reaction A kaB kb C The integrated rate law for this reaction is AO A A e kart A BO A 14 2 co A A 1 c ka c kb 9691 200646 646 1 k kb k kb 4696 20 V A e k e kb 2020064696 202006 0064696 2020 202 9 4696 20200

Physical Chemistry
Energeticsc 3 2 x 10 6 2 moles of zinc is dissolved in HCI in an open vessel at 25 C The work done is a 2 477 kilojoules c 0 0489 kilojoules b 4 955 kilojoules d none d 6

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics64 Which of the following plot do not represent first order reaction R initial concentration of reactant R concentration of reactant at time t A C log R rate Slope time B 2 303 B D luz log R log R Conc

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsQuestion No 6 40 H and Br react to give HBr by the following steps Br M 2Br M fast 064696 2020064696 20064696 202006 96 23 2006 4696 202 Br H 2HBr H slow H Br HBr Br fast The probable rate law for the above sequence is AO Rate k k H Br BO Rate k ky H Br CO Rate k K H Br Rate k H B 696 4696 2020064 020064 2020 969

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics2 Which of the following statement is not wrong A In a chemicial reaction slow step is not rate determining step B Inversion of cane sugar is first order reaction C In Arrhenius equation plot of Ink vs 1 T is straight line D In first order reaction half life period is dependent of initial concentration 1

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics57 For the reaction A B Products The initial concentrations of A and B and the initial rate are mentioned below A B 5 0 20 0 30 5 07x10 5 0 20 0 10 5 07x10 5 0 40 0 05 1 43x 10 4 The orders with respect to A and B respectively are A Zero and one B One and zero C 1 5 and zero D Zero and 1 5

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure29 a For an element with atomic number 29 i Write the electronic configuration ii Write the value of n and I for its electron in its valence shell b Name the set of d orbitals having the electron density along the axis

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsThe decomposition of N O according to the equation 2 N O g first order reaction After 30 min from start of decomposition in a closed vessel the total pressure developed is found to be 284 5 mm Hg On complete decomposition the total pressure is584 5 mm Hg Calculate the rate constant of the reaction onctant for disappearance of A is 7 48 x 10 3 sec Calculate the f 1 atm to rise to

Physical Chemistry
Generalstion No 21 40 Synthetic polymer may consist of A O Crystalline Regions BO Amorphous CO Both Crystalline and Amorphous DO None of these 20064590

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingConsider following reactions 1 NaH H O 3 AgNO3 H O H3PO2 2 H S Cl water 4 NH4 2Cr2O7 s 6 XeF2 H O In how many of the reaction s at least one of the product is obtained in elemental state Question Type Integer Type 5 H S SO2 aq

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryWhat is the product formed at cathode for the given setup A AIR INERT ELECTRODES KBr aq K

Physical Chemistry
General75 4G for the decomposition of Al O3 at 500 C is 965 76 The kj mol C the Zr W 2 3 Al O 4 3 Al O The potential difference required for electrolytic reduction of Al O3 at 500 C should be at least 1 2 5 V 2 4 V 3 5 V 4 3 V wa C

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumSodium sulphate is soluble in water whereas barium sulphate is sparingly soluble because i the hydration energy of Na SO4 is less than its lattice energy ii the hydration energy of Na SO4 is more than its lattice energy iii the lattice energy of BaSO4 is more than its hydration energy iv the lattice energy has no role to play in solubility 1 i ii 2 ii iii 3 iii iv 4 ii iv

Physical Chemistry
GeneralViriat is Apply what you learn about the working principles of fractional distillation to explain the separation steps of the water ethanol mixture if the boiling point of methanol is 64 C 2 Marks A process engineer decided to use the distillation process to separate a liquid mixture consists of two components the

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsThe total pressure exerted in ideal binary solution is given by P PAXA PBXB where P P are the respective vapour pressure of pure components and XA XB are their mole fraction in liquid phase And composition of the vapour phase is determined with the help of Dalton s law of partial pressure YA P If total pressure exerted in an ideal binary solution is given by P The correct option s is are If the value of YA 0 4 then the value of XA is 0 5 The more volatile liquid is liquid B The value of P is 60 mm of Hg If the value of YA 0 4 then the value of XR is 0 5 5400 60 30Y A mm of Hg

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states4 The pressure exerted by 6 0 g of methane gas in a 0 03 m vessel at 129 C is Atomic masses C 12 01 H 1 01 and R 8 314 JK mol AIPMT Mains 2010 1 215216 Pa 2 13409 Pa 3 41648 Pa 01 02

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich ones can be used to detect systematic error A Compare your method with a known sample B Observe the result of a blank sample C Compare the results of parallel measurements using different method D Different people in different labs analyze identical samples by the same method E Different people in different labs analyze identical samples by different methods D and E A B and D B C and D A B D and E All of the choices

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingQuestion 46 Assertion When hydrogen gas is passed over hot cupric oxide black colour of the compound changes to reddish brown Reason Cupric oxide is reduced to Copper For the above two statements given one labelled assertion and the other labelled reason Select the correct answer to these questions from the course a b c and d as given below a Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion b Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion c Assert ion is true but reason is false d Assertion is falls but reason is true

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn the cell reaction Cu s 2Ag aq Cu2 aq 2Ag s E cell 0 46 V By doubling the concentration of Cu Ecell is A Doubled B C Half Unchanged

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsWhat is the significance of the re boiler in a distillation column Apply what you learn about the working principles of fractional distillation to explai

Physical Chemistry
General50802 uostion No 35 40 Addition of different types of monomers to form polymer chains AO Chain reaction polymerization BO Combination CO Disproportionation Copolymerization

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA lake is stratified due to temperature differences throughout its depth but has continuous vertical mixing What would the mixing rate be if a The top 10 ft of water has a constant total carbon concentration of 2 44E 3 mol L with a 4C C ratio of 0 92 x 10 mol mol b At 100 ft the total carbon concentration is 1 93E 3 mol L with a 4C C ratio of 0 77 x 10 12 mol mol

Physical Chemistry
GeneralQ26 Based on the pK values listed below and structural effects on acid strength select an acid base equilibrium that favors the LEFT side Keq 1 H O 1 7 H O 15 7 DA A H O HCl B H NO HBr C CH3CH NH CF3CH OH D CH3CH OH H S H CI 7 H O Cle NH3 Bre CH3CH 0 H 16 CF3CH O CH3CH NH CH3CH O H SO

Physical Chemistry
Energeticson No 13 40 Then 2 moles of liquid A are mixed with 2 moles of liqui nolar Gibb s free energy of the solution is 1 5 kJ mol The comm value of Gibb s free energy of mixing in kJ is closest to R 8 31 CA O 12 9 200 6469 96 202 900202 900

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCAREER INSTITUTE XI NCERT Unit 2 Structure of Atom XI Which of the following metals give inflammble gas with 1 fit ang ur am 3 both acid and base 1 Na and Zn 3 Mg and Be 2 Mg and Al 4 Zn and Al 1 Na 3 Mg Zn Be 2 4

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich of the following sets of axial angles and axial lengths represent maximum number in Bravais lattices 1 B y 90 and a b c 2 B y 90 and a b c 3 B y 90 and a b c

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding1 Graph of InS vs is plotted for two gases A and B S represents solubility in molarity T is T in Kelvin Compare Henry s constant K for the two gases at same temperature 3 B A A KH A KH B C KH A KH B InSo 5 0 1 T B KH A KH B D KH A may be greater or less than KH B

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistry126 is shaken with 0 5 g of wood charcoal The final ample 6 50 ml of 1 M oxalic acid mol wt concentration of solution after adsorption is 0 5 M Calculate the amount of oxalic acid adsorbed per gram of charcoal

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsB The reaction A proceeds in parallel channels A Suppose the half life values for the tw C branches are 60 minutes and 90 minutes what is the overall half life value

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsIn a gaseous reaction A 3B AB g the initial rates are as follows A 0 1 M 0 2 M 0 3 M 0 4 M B 0 1 M 0 1 M 0 2 M 0 3 M The rate law is Rate 0 002 mol L 0 002 mol L s7 0 008 mol L 1 0 018 mol LS

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsA certain zero order reaction has K 0 024 Ms1 for the disappearance of A What will be the concentration of A after 15 seconds if the initial concentration is 0 50 M A B D 0 50 M 0 375 M 0 14 M 0 060 M