Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
GeneralA compound formed by elements A and B crystallises in the cubic structure where A atoms are at comers of a cube and B atoms are at face centres The formula of the compound is a AB3 c AB2 b A2B d A2B3 1

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsIf air contains 20 by volume O and 80 by volume N the ratio of mole fractions of N to O dissolved in water at 25 C from air is K 0 3 25x10 and K N 6 5x 10 atm Answer 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Physical Chemistry
General46 Among the following the number of compounds than can react with PCI to give POCI is O CO SO H C H SO4 P4010 IIT JEE 2011 Paper 2

Physical Chemistry
General4 There is an uncertain relationship between the position of a system and its moment By For example in one dimension there is an uncertainty principle between position x and moment in x px Therefore the commutator of the position and moment operators must be zero

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich of the following statement is not true about the hexagonal close packing The coordination number is 12 It has 74 packing efficiency Tetrahedral voids of the second layer are covered by the spheres of the third layer In this arrangement spheres of the fourth layer are exactly aligned with those of the first layer

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium19 If the gas mixture for the following reaction is 2 x 102 What will be the 2NO2 N O g 2NO g is compressed then a products are favoured 5 com b reactants are favoured b mean s Volume I Pressure 7h00 8 Zn Expression for the parti above reaction would be c no change d products become equal to reactants 20 For a gaseous reaction pD Alexte reply which of the following relationship is true c K 21 For the reaction AR a K P ZnO CO ZnCO3 c K P ZnO P CO

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsConsider the data given below for a chemical reaction A B Product Experiment A B 1 2 3 O I MO I MI 2 10 5 Ms 0 2 MO I MI 2 10 5 Ms Rate of reaction 0 1 Mo 2 M 4 8 10 5 Mst The rate law for the reaction is given as OR K A B OR K B OR K A B

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsConcentration in M 0 8 0 8 02 Time in sec Above graph is given for the following reversible reaction X g Y g The equilibrium constant Kc of above reaction is Select an answer A 0 B C 1 2

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium3 The equilibrium P s 6C1 g 4PCl3 g is attained by mixing equal moles of P and Cl in a evacuated vessel Then at equilibrium 6 P Cl d PC1 P a Cl PC1 c Cl P CET 20

Physical Chemistry
Energetics1 lodine molecule dissociates into atoms after absorbing light of 4500 If one quantum of radiation is absorbed by each molecule the kinetic energy per iodine atom is given by x 10 J in scientific notation What is the value of x ly Use h 6 6 x 10 34 Js c 3 x 108 ms and N 6 x 1023 bond energy of 1 240 kJ mol

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryGiven below are 2 conductometric titration plots In each plot conductance of a solution in flask is plotted on x axis shown as a and the volume of the titrant added from burette is plotted on y axis shown as b Which of the following option s is are correct Plot 1 Plot 2 C a a Plot I corresponds to titration of NaOH in flask versus HCl in burette Correct You Marked Plot 1 corresponds to titration of NaOH in flask versus mixed acid HCI CH3COOH in burette Plot 2 corresponds to titration of NaOH in flask versus HCI in burette Plot 2 corresponds to titration of NaOH in flask versus mixed acid HCl CH3COOH in burette

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsSprinkling of salt helps in clearing the snow covered roads in hills The phenomenon involved in the process is a lowering in vapour pressure of snow b depression in freezing point of snow c melting of ice due to increase in temperature by putting salt d increase in freezing point of snow

Physical Chemistry
GeneralI Integer Answer 17 105 mol of pure water is saturated with NH3 gas producing a solution of density 0 9 g m 500 solution contains 30 of NH3 by weight and final volume of solution is ml then what

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateCalcium crystallises in fcc lattice with edge length a 0 5nm Then Density of the crystal if it contained 0 1 Frenkel defects is 2 1333g cm Density of the crystal if it contained 0 1 Schottky defects is 2 1312 g cm Density of the crystal if it contained 0 1 Frenkel defects is 1 0666 g cm Density of the crystal if it contained 0 1 Schottky defects is 1 0656 g cm

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryWhen 1 L of 1 3 M SnSO4 is electrolysed for a period of 10 minutes using a current of 96 5 A and inert electrodes the final concentration of Sn in the solution will be E 0 14 V E 0 13V Sn Sn4 EH7 0 0 4V Eso s 0 2 0V OH Sn Sn

Physical Chemistry
General1 The dissociation equilibrium of a gas AB can be represented as 2AB g 2AB g B g The degree of dissociation is x and is small compared to 1 The expression relating the degree of dissociation x with equilibrium constant Kp and total pressure P is AIPMT Prelims 2008 1 3 Kp KP 2Kp P 1 3 2 4 2Kp P 2Kp P 1 2

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumSolveLancer Test In an experiment it is found that solubility of potassium chloride i water is 10 moles per litre If we add 2 mole of potassium chloride to a litre of water Then which statement is correct for the following reaction SolveLancer Test KCl s H O NaCl aq a AG 0 AS 0 b AG 0 AS 0 c AG 0 AS 0 d AG 0 AS 0

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingThe correct increasing order of the acidity of CO2 H O and H O is 18 L 1 CO H O H O 2 HO H O CO 3 H O H O2 CO 4 H2O CO H O 14 C V S I

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsWhen hydrochloric acid is added to cobalt nitrate solution at room temperature the following reaction takes place and the reaction mixture becomes blue On cooling the mixture becomes pink Co H O aq 4C1 aq Pink CoC141 aq blue 6H O l On the basis of this information mark the correct answer a AH is positive for the reaction b AH is negative for the reaction c AH 0 for the reaction d The sign of AH cannot be predicted on the basis of A

Physical Chemistry
General39 If m is the mass of an electron h is the Planck s constant and a is the radius of first orbit of H atom then kinetic energy of electron in the third orbit of He ion is given by value of x is h m X The

Physical Chemistry
General20 A test cross of F flies a b produced the following offspring ab 5 ab ab 5 b ab 45 a ab 45 What will be distance between linked gene 1 82 CM cis 2 20 CM trans 3 10 cM cis

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium5 The 22 solubility product of Agl at 25 C is 1 0 10 16 mol L 2 The solubility of Agl in 104 M solution of Kl at 25 C is approximately in mol L 1 1 0 10 16 2 1 0 10 12 3 1 0 10 10 4 1 0 10 8

Physical Chemistry
Energetics2 moles of ideal gas is expanded reversibly from 4 atm to 3 atm at constant temperature of 300 K Calculate the work done approx 1 273 cal 3 402 cal log4 0 6 log3 0 48 2 332 cal 4 315 cal

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA gas follows an equation of state that is given below Figure 1 The equation of state for a real gas PVm RT 8 7 RTP 1 4tr 57 A Find the equation for its critical pressure Pc B Find the equation for its critical volume Vc C Find the equation for its critical temperature Tc D Find the equation for its Boyle s

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich type of crystal defect is indicated in the diagram below Cr Na cr CF Na cr Na Na cr Na Cr CI Na Cr a Fronlel defoot Na Cr Na Cr Na Na h Schottly defoot

Physical Chemistry
Solid statea An element with density2 8 g cm 3 forms a f c c unit cell with edge length 4 x 10 8 cm Calculate the molar mass of the element Given NA 6 022 1023 mol b Why is glass of windows panes of very old buildings found to be thicker at the bottom than at the top

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium1 lonisation constant of CH3COOH is 1 7 x 10 5 and concentration of H ions is 3 4 x 10 4 Then fin out initial concentration of CH3COOH molecules 1 3 4 x 10 4 2 3 4 x 10 3 3 6 8 x 10 4 4 6 8 10 3

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryEqual volumes of 0 015 M CH COOH 0 015 M NaOH are mixed together What would be the molar conductivity of mixture if conductivity of CH3COONa is 6 3 10 Scm K 1 8 4 S cm mol 3 4 2 S cm mol 2 84 S cm mol 4 42 S cm mol

Physical Chemistry
General3 2 The three thermodynamic states P Q and R of a system are connected by the paths shown in the figure given on the right The entropy change in the processes PQ Q R and PR along the paths indicated are ASPQ ASQR and ASPR respectively If the process P Q is adiabatic and irreversible while P R is adiabatic and reversible the correct statement is A ASQR 0 B ASPR 0 P C ASQR 0 Q D ASPQ 0 R

Physical Chemistry
Energetics3 A mixture of two miscible volatile ideal liquids P and Q obeying Raoult s law is kept in a vessel molar ratio of P and Q in the mixture is m At a suitable temperature T the vapour above the liquid is condensed in another vessel The liquid obtained on con densation is allowed to evaporate and establish equilibrium with its vapour The vapour is then condensed in another vessel The process of such evaporation and condensation is repeated for n times If the ratio of the vapour pressure of pure P to that of pure Qis p the molar ratio of P and Q in the condensed liquid obtained after nth cycle for finite n 1 is A p m C pn 2mn 2 B pm D p mn

Physical Chemistry
Solutions100 mL of 0 2 M CaCl solution is isotonic with Assume completel dissociation of salts Select an answer A B C D 100 mL of 0 2 M C6H12O6 solution 200 mL of 0 3 M NaCl solution 100 mL of 0 3 M KCl solution 200 mL of 0 1 M Al2 SO4 3 solution

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsInsulin C H1005 n is dissolved in a suitable solvent and the osmotic pressure p of the solution of various concentration in kg m is measured at 20 C The slope of a plot of p against c is found to be 8 134 10 SI units The molecular weight of the insulin in kg mol is A 4 8 x 105 B 9 105 C 293 x 10 D 8 314 x 105

Physical Chemistry
Generalc A unit cell of BaCl fluorite structure is made up of a four Ba2 ions and four Cl ions c eight Ba ions and four Cl ions b four Ba2 ions and eight Cl ions d four Ba ions and six Cl ions

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure35 17Cl and 37 17Cl are symbols of tw o isotopes of chlorine i Compare the atoms of these isotopes with respect to the composition of nuclei 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralMatch the Following Match the Column I with Column II Column I N 5 CO C6H12O6 CH COOH Column II p 40 carbon by mass q Empirical formula CH O r Vapour density 14 s 14N N 6 023 x 1023 electrons in a mole

Physical Chemistry
GeneralC mg 4 g A solution of 0 1 M of a metal chloride MCI requires 500 mL of 0 6 M AgNO3 solution for complete precipitation The value of x is B 2 A 1 C 4 D 3 molecul A 3 C 2 83 Two ox metal D oxide is A MO

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateCalculate the lattice energy of KCl from the given data interionic separation 314 pm bo exponent for Ar configuration 9 Madelung constant a 1 746 a 600 kJ mol b 686 5 kJ mol c 705 kJ mol d None

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateSolid AB has NaCl type structure If the radius of A and B are 0 5 and 1 5 respectively and formula mass of AB is 48 g mole what is the density in gm cm of AB solid Take Avogadro s number 6 x 1023

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingc negative deviation from Raoult s Law d that the solution is unsaturated Fluorine does not show variable oxidation state because a It is halogen c Absence of s orbital b Absence of d orbital d Absence of p orbital

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingater boils at 100 C at 1 atmosphere pressure Heat of vaporisation of water is 10 Kcal mole in the given temperature range antilog 0 116 1 306 DVapour pressure of water at 40 C is 582 torr Vapour pressure of water at 40 C is 58 2 torr Lowering of vapour pressure of 0 2 molal solution at 40 C is 0 2095 torr Relative lowering of vapour pressure of 0 2 molal solution at 40 C is 0 0036

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsThe boiling point of an azeotropic mixture of water and ethanol is less than that of water and ethanol The mixture shows a no deviation from Raoult s Law b positive deviation from Raoult s Law c negative deviation from Raoult s Law d that the solution is unsaturated

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsA beaker contains solution of substance A Precipitation of substance A takes place when small amount of substance A is added to the solution The solution is a Saturated c Unsaturated b d Supersaturated Concentrated

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhich of the following statements are correct i Among halogens radius ratio between iodine and fluorine is maximum ii Leaving F F bond all halogens have weaker X X bond than X X bond in interhalogens iii Among interhalogen compounds maximum number of atoms are present in iodine fluoride iv Interhalogen compounds are more reactive than halogen compounds a i iii and iv are correct b iii and iv are correct b I and ii are corre d All are correct 4 6

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateor More Uptions Correct Type This section contains 10 multiple choice questions Each question has 4 choice A B C and D for its answer out of which one or more than on Which of the following is are correct arrangement of atoms represent face plane in fcc arrangement of atoms represent body diagonal plane in bcc arrangement of atoms represent body diagonal plane in fcc arrangement of atoms represent rectangular plane in fcc J

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structureor here 1 V RH 2 n V wave number 109677 76 cm 1 daglug V RH X C 1 1 2 n2 1 2 2 n n 2 where RH is Rydberg constant for hydrogen Its value is cm 01x0220 idho tel to For Balmer series n 2 and n2 3 4 5 6 the atom

Physical Chemistry
General6 moles of electrons are passed through acidulated water the moles of gas discharged is x Then 2 x is nswer 0 lect your ang 01 02 0 3 04 05 06 07 08 09

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumIn what mole ratio a mixture of N and NH gases should be taken such that the mole fraction of N at any instant remains constant even after dissociation of NH into N and H A 1 1 B 1 2 C 1 3 D 3 2

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics99 For the reaction A 2B products started concentrations taken in stoichiometric proportion the experimentally determined rate law is d A k A B dt The half life time of the reaction would be 06 107

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statessuby Column I On decomposition 50 increase in volume at the pressure On decomposition 100 increase in volume at same temperature and pressure On decomposition no change in volume at the same temperature and pressure d Gases highly soluble in water PA Column II PNH q HI 03 S COCI

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhat is the approximate pH of a solution composed of 0 2 M tyrosine and 0 02 M HCl Assume you are protonating the carboxyl group The three pK s for tyrosine are 2 2 9 1 and 10 1 side chain pK